economy zomg

image: 0,1020,1444522,00

DAX below 4000 points


is that bad?
sth like one year ago DAX was over 8000 points
better than 4000^^
unexpectedly my picture fits the replies so far \o/
dont worry the tax payer will pay
How true^^
if you ask me its all one big scam to get more money from the tax payers. we all need to wake up and lower the tax to 10% but that will never happen :( too many retards in this world who never heard of math
no its a fact only in times of war should the tax be more then 10%
It's expected to get even lower by the midyear ...
The only good thing about this crisis is that theyre not spamming me to death anymore with global warming crap on tevelision
There you see where priorities are set.
i know who stole the points
That is quite epic!
DAX was just top-heavy with over 7,000 points until the sharp fall in summer so finally it's on his real value again.
everything will crash
we're all doomed :/
what is 'DAX'?
enjoy capitalism
who cares? lets party :p
You only live once, why should you care about the economy

Just do what you wanna do, don't let the economy stop you
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