jonas and his brain

working so fast, never goes to the place theres no opponent.. ;> how many lans did he play? &^^
sec, looking at his lans
3, all with me HES THE BEST
what about reloads aiming technique trough smoke :P (supply RAAB vs mamutsi)
r_depthbits "16"
if cought on pbss, bannable. :-p
If you didn't get banned for that demo what are the chances of them banning for r_depthbits 16
If cought on pbss, 100%
100% my ass, been using 16 depthbits since I started playing and never been banned off a screenshot. I am curious however if people don't use depthbits 16 how they can shot through smoke!
You have been playing for how long then? It is clearly stated that if a pbss comes up with you seeing an enemy through a thin wall/smoke/door due to graphical calculation errors or wallhack, then you are to get banned if made aware to cb/esl.

And yeah, not all smoke are the same for everyone, it depends on your gfx &/or drivers/settings. I for one can't see shit through smoke.
Forced to 0
idle guys are the last ones to be suspected...
Not really but he got a point. They proven the same online as offline.
No need to suspect them
yeah, they were good at lan, so they can't install cheats. good point.
could reload aim through smoke on lans, too?
what i mean is that if you talk about players like reload, you should in the first place think of a skill/xp/lotto/lag/script/depthbits16, instead of cheats, in case you see some strange situation/move he made.

edit: and yes, im a fanboy of them, but that doesnt have anything to do with my point actually.
once he had a lan with his older brother and an old et-player called Mastermind.
image: mythbusters_iso

Plausible, but not likely.
image: anddo6b

Plausible, but not likely.
skills & experience, gg
he's kinda good at other games too
maybe we will see
Getting cheats for computer games aint that hard. ;]
no honestly he even got interviewed in swedish TV or something because he powns in some games :p
Ye thats ok, still he didn't show up at LAN until now and got those shady actions, that used to be impossible without an aimbot. Feel free to prove me wrong. :P
what kind of weird actions?
Shooting 3 hs while jumping / falling down, weird tracking, 4hs on 2 targets while sliding the wall @ Supply Eastwall. There should be an avi around there with his last action. If you're still intrested I could upload it too.

Edit: His brother got busted for an etBot, says enough in my opinion. Luckily for him his brother had an account.
QuoteShooting 3 hs while jumping / falling down

So you imply there are antispread hacks?
No, not the way you might think. But an aimbot do makes it possible to hit in nearly every situation whereas a normal human beeing wouldn't hit shit because of the damn spread. Its actually pretty simple to spot etBotters since their crosshair moves constantly down when you hit them and the smooth sideway aiming.
A bot can´t compensate the falling and jumping spread, dunno what you are talking about then.
His brother got busted for bimbot, and stop accusing it's getting retarded..
the 3-year-old clip made my day too, especially on radar
Yup, I remember the match vs vib at that time. Anyone deniing that this avi isn't suspicous at all must be a damn retard. I mean there were like 10 suspicous actions in 1 match, come on wake up!
Eh, if you ever even concidered such actions to be proof of aimbot you are truly not very bright or very missinformed. The only things of the past which nowadays has cooled down a bit when it comes to cheat accusing is snapping, locking, wallshooting and abnormal enemy prediction.

*oh, and then I take a look at you clans in your profile and understood you are more serious than ever :-DDD
Oh yet again another smartass. Did I ever explicitly said that this is a real proof for aimbotting? Isn't it just funny that there seem to be people who got those 'lucky shots' the whole time? A big plus for him playing with the same settings the whole match unlike some others in here. Oh and taking my ex clans into this discussion is useless, since it doesn't affect my opinion of him or his playing style. Just as a sidenote: Didn't we arrange a deal that you won't ever reply to me again, when I stop pitying you for beeing a cheater?
lahq is not an easy name to remember but I will try :-DDD
I think you are not in a position to say anything on this matter, since you have been busted yourself, blatantly cheating. Go cheat more.
Why does he need to be cheating cuz his brother did?=D That's so pathetic... Or did he need jONAS to confirm to get a cracked bimbot? :|
Just show up on LAN and perform halfway good. Then people might start to belive your lame excuses. Of course he doesn't need to be cheating and I can't prove it right or wrong, but if you want people to change their mind about him rather take a deeper look in it. People usually don't whine for nothing. You guys have been brand marked with 'cheaters', guess why? I pretty much liked the excuse back then: 'He knew absolutly nothing about his brother beeing a cheater' and now it sounds like 'Oh yes, he knew he was cheating, but he doesn't care LOL!'
pay 450euro to proove that he's clean and is not intrested at all to go there? He's playing 4 fun, not to become the next Night who wins lots of money n stuff :]

If he was a cheater and been that the latest 3-4 years where he always been accused of hacking I think it's pretty weird that he never been on any list or smth and never had any skilldrops when the bot is detected etc cuz usually hacks gets detected time to time... as long as he hasn't an own-coded cheat or smth :)
alexl can sell 2 pairs of shoes and skip a few visits to the tanning salon and the beauty parlor and he can pay for all of you
He didn't say he knew he cheated before he was busted. And yeah he cared and was kinda pissed at his brother afaik. :-p
ofc he cant pwn you because you are the best player in ET
ofc I didnt play against him, just run ETTV and saw him making idle guys looking like newbies.
Would like to see him play on lan. (vs skilled opponents)
he's nice on vent
jonas has special shoes which are leading him to enemy.

+ experience, comms & brainl
just highsens
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