photographic reading...

ive heard about it some time ago and started to learn this way of learning/reading. It's still amaizing for me how simpe it is and that everyone can do it!! Results are awesome, of course you need some training. Have you ever tried it??
ps: The better im in it, the harder is to focus on a crosshair in et, dunno if its just only me;p I mean after a sec i start a duel i loose crosshair from my eyesight:XD!1
You mean like spelling 2-3 lines at time and reading fast or what?
nope, its hmmm 'takeing a picture of a text by your eyes', you have to learn how to activate it so you will know what is in the text ;] sth like that
And how do you do this?
read about it;p its about special concetration and learn other way of 'seeing' ( not to focus at one point/word but to see the whole page, dunno how to explain it;p
I was born with that shit
everyone can do it -.-
so you copy like the .jpg in your brain instead of .txt or what?
sth like that:D
Lest that's just the lag :P
i can say that it feels this way:XD
ET just isn't smooth anymore, the punkbusterA+B spike up to 35% CPU usage on top of ET's 50. Makes the game totally unplayable :(
its annoying i agree with that, but thats not what makes me fuckin mad:D
lul if that doesn't piss you off then what does?
that i cant focus on a crosshair:XDDDDDDDDDDDdd fuckin annoying, at first it was raley now its fuckin most of the time :ASD my aim gets lower :ASD hate it;/ coz i always used to pwn no matter who was playing against me ;]
you bought a new monitor recently?
yes i did, but i got used to it ;]
well it was really weird switching from my old crt to this one and I remember thinking that it's kinda hard to focus on enemys.. Gonna get a Iiyama vision master pro 454 or 514 as soon as I find sth on ebay, maybe our monitors suck balls. Mine has really poor lighting and shitty colors :S
i think i cant complaint @ my monitor, i rly got used to it:D!
lolz I've never learned that thing (looks like I born with it:P) but that's how I'm for example learning, I'm just reading something once and I remember it :P I'm not sitting 20 hours behind books or smth :P
you follow classes irl? or by some e-handbook? if its online.. provide me/us with a link:)
ive dled e-book but its in polish;p just search it on inet ;] there is much about it ;]
I was on a class about this in real life with masters of the techniques blabla, didnt really learn it completely cuz I wasnt that interested at the time(young) but ye its cooolllll...
When I'm playing guitar (learning some music works etc), I have some memory boost in precision & capacity. I have never read anything on this matter, but I guess when you are doing music, the brain is using these parts and develops it. But I guess it's still far from photographic memory.
its about your mind, that you can do some things perfectly or much more faster when you do it without even thinking, like its automatic
seta cg_drawCrosshair "9"

Go work on factory there you get practice it allot. Doing same shit 8h/5days a week...
You dont even think what you do :D.

This is like so "lol" journal.
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