
Will it be a joke like Naxx ?

image: 71%20Stupid%20Giraffe

image: pedobear-the-chase-is-on
game is a joke
Will be cool, but 50% of the players will stop/stopped before it comes out :[
i have yet to discover naxx:[
Ulduar will be a sweet place and not anything like naxx =)
haven't played wotlk yet, so i have no clue!
wrong forum.
I like turtles!
naxx is a joke, but the game is designed for nubs so i understand why

and ulduar wont be harder than malygos or sartharion with 3 drakes so np
hmm.. yes..
..btw.. WHAT?!
will be cool....maybe

Malygos aint hard :X Sartha 3 drakes is okay, but still doable in pickup if everybody plays well
Naxx is a joke ;{

Malacrass prenerf was okay ! : O)
i hope not, atm wow is just log in wednesday evening and clear everything and then jump around in ironforge for one week till new reset. thats why i quit the game.
It will get boring after 2 weeks max .. just like naxx
Should be better than naxx, and i reckon slightly harder than anything so far in Wotlk. To bad ive cancelled my subscription
I defenitely know it will not be a joke like Naxxramas or heroics or OS (even with 3 drakes up), as its easy to get good gear now with a little bit of heroic/raid grinding, so Ulduar must be something challenging, because everyone is ok-geared. The problem with WoW isnt how easy the "big" raids are, but the availability of healers and tanks, but that problem will be solved in 3.1 with dual specs.
Idd, dual spec is gnna PWN speccing between blood + frost, awesome!
not ... dks like need 4 or 5 specs - even like priests - for tank heal raid heal pvp heal pvp shadow pve shadow ...

Useless to spend 1k Gold on it >.< !
Putain mais tu n'es toujours pas mort toi?
wat teh fagg?
hmm <-- content clear imo ;/

Im pretty Bored imo , waiting for Ulduar 4 some rly Hard Modes ...

Sartharion with 3 Drakes suxx Dunkeyballz ;/

EDIT: LOL i got pvp stuff on >.< sucky shit ...

m3h ;)
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