Short/Long hair?


im getting my hair cut/done in a model on sunday cause my friends sister needs a "model" for her portfolio. (she works for kinky hair cutters so it will at least be done good)

its going to be japanese style? (like gorillaz/dragonballZ) and she wants to color it with brown layers? w/e thats supposed to mean lol

it will remain long.. but i was thinking about getting it cut short sometime soon

AND SINCE I KNOW A LOT OF GAMERS HAVE GOT OR HAVE HAD LONG HAIR and probably have cut it short too a couple of times

did you regret getting it cut short again?
this is the first time im having long hair.. started growing it like ~9months ago

well idk.. i really like my long hair when its straightened but i hate it when its all curly :/
and when working with computers youll always have to wear a hat or hair will fall in front of your eyes FFS

OH and what do you people think that looks better.. long or short?

really old LOL w/ short hair such a fag:


straightened: yep, i always wear a hat

*links to my pics probably isnt a good idea on crossfire. flame on
*as far as ive noticed.. girls do like me MUCH better with longer hair so : /
just watch some magazines in the barber salon and tell him if you find something nice

i use to hair cut every month-2 months till i found something that suit me :~D

symmetrical face are the bomb 8D
you dont mess with the MAGEN DAVID ! :D

btw i just discover there is a back to top button in the bottom right :~>

image: 0022
image: 9766856435

just found it

on 11 grade i wrote porn star on my head :~>
image: haircut

i lost the second pic with the star D:
got banned from school for a week 8D
I would suggest using my pic as your new haircut then! it's also a great combo with that trendy mid-40's davidstar!

image: yellowstar

or was that just harsh? D:

ps: my mate got sent home from school because he had this on his t-shirt
image: 20070518-sameshit

ps2: NICE FIND @ THE BACK TO TOP -button!
that was harsh :(
i will ignore you for the next couple of minutes :~<
good thing I had to pay attention in class and didnt reply the last couple of minutes.
I always had my ex telling me how much she liked my symmetrical face

i guess ill wait and see how this japanese haircut will fit me:] just scared of the "brown layers"
what if they look dumb.. cant get really rid of them i guess w/o getting it all cut
well its all depends
all you need is something you feel good with :~>
long hair definetly!!!
you just say that cuz you are a chick :~<
he wants to be liked by the "chicks" doesnt he? :D
so if i want to be liked by chicks i should be like a chick?

brb injecting hormons and fake boobies 8D
thats not the case \o/
one thing is certain :~>
chicks love tall guys :D
lucky im tall ^_^
imo short hair looks better on him :(
depends on taste :D
idk, i have afro
Short hair.
i´m gonna get a haircut soon aswell, a few millimeters on sides and a bit longer in the middle, just a few centimeters, dark brown or light black + some blond in there :) and ofc some nice motive @ the sides, p0rn ;]
long ofc
i ve had the same lenght as you have now, maybe i had a bit longer. but i found it too hot in the summer. i ve cut it to 2mm or so ;)

everything suits me tho
that's supposed to be long hair?
for me it is.. and compared to what i used to have its long
long hair is for girls, pc nerds and metal dudes
indeed .. why have long hair like a fuckin girl or a fuckin hippie ?
Get a Hitler youth cut like everyone else, LoL.
keep the long hair!
Be a man.

image: aa20
did that accident at the metal factory hurt a lot?
nope.. it hurts more when you bite your lip actually by accident
tongue does hurt a bit though.. i was 1 of the unlucky ones which tongues got swollen:/
so you have piercings that hurt like hell & make people comment you in a bad way because ... chicks dig it?
that hurt like hell? lip only did hurt for a quarter of a second.. thats the moment the needle goes through.. it actually does feel kinda thickly too

tongue well it got swollen but didnt hurt like IT WAS REAL PAIN or something like that

Some people get ink(scarred for life) and i went for the piercings.. I think they fit me well

but if you think differently.. fine:) YOU'RE A GUY SO YOU SHOULDNT EVEN BE LIKING THEM ON ME ANYWAYS
I'm same as you, I've always had pretty short hair getting it shaved to like grade 5-6 but have been growing it for the last 7-9 months and it's a tiny bit longer than yours. I might get it cut sooner or later but want to see how long I can grow it first :P

personally I think you suit longer hair more. The short gelled look makes you like all the other 16 year olds that have the exact same style.
thats what i figured too.. i look more mature now and more "special" hmm thats not the right word to define it...

at least different than 90% of the other dutch guys.. and if i would cut it i would never use gel again:P
my hairs doens't have a style but i'm cool too.
first i had really short hair (6mm or so), then I had hair to my shoulders/middle shoulderblades (BELIEVE IT OR NOT), i cut it all off after growing it for like 2 years or so. so i've been through all phases and definitely the last makes me feel more comfortable

(with my current hairstyle) i always regret going to the bArBeR because it will look retarded for a couple of days/weeks so yeah, can't really comment on that. i hardly go anyway (once in 2-3 months)

my current hair is a bit shorter than yours but it doesn't curl at all which is a plus to me

e: quite an incoherent post but cba fixing it :D
short hairs
always had short hair :/
cut it all! I have kinda curly hair atm but in the summer I will get 6 mm I think :p
image: tvh

Long hair imo.
I can't grow my hair long. After a certain point it turns into a curly mess and I look like David Hasselhoff. :(
on baywatch or on the floor?
sameee, sucks! :'(

But hey! I still do, i just straighten it :Dddd
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