desktop problem

image: lol

I guess you can see the problem, it works somehow better after reboot (atleast for some time) and sometimes its like half of the icons showing up and other missing.. just annoying..

xp pro sp2 installed a week ago, what could cause that / how to fix it?
Go to the desktop and press F5. If that doesn't work this should
Kaynnista @_@
had that too for some time but it just went away without me doing anything
Download service pack 3 :>
Delete some icons... maybe it work for you.

Otherwise select the Windows Theme in the menu where you can change the desktop image / screensaver etc.
helped.. almost

image: lol2
Maybe deleting some icons u dont need. Thats all I know to help u sorry :(

Otherwise ask google!

Search: desktop iteams invisible or something..

do u really have time for all that games and stuff?
there aint even that many... ET mostly, have played CA few days, and opened 10 day trial for WoW today..
and CallofDuty, Combat Arms, Poker ;)
callofduty havent played in months, CA= Combat arms, Poker i play like few hours per month, gonna try Crossfire later and downloading GTA4 atm too.. also Ive played a bit snes games with emulator!
yeah lol emulator games own :D
I would like to play GTA4 too, but my pc is shit for it
hahahah :D
I had this with folders in My Documents and all i had to do was rename the folder.. but thats difficult for desktop i guess:/
/delete ur wow that will help

wheres the problem
ask invisible cat
Kolmas nainen :)
Icons are overrated
are you also a twilight vanquisher?:D
sarth + 3adds xD
windoze xp sp4? xD
when i quit ET i have the same sometimes.
you can raise the icon memory. google is ur friend :)
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