selectbuddy -2

Hi Guys! Some time ago i asked as well. But perhaps now any1 can help me, why i havnt got any sign above my Teammates even if i use selectbuddy "-2"

This is my bind, i included the command in! PLS HELP ME!

bind F3 "ready; selectbuddy -2; vsay_team ftattack ^7READY!"
i hope you are in the fireteam?
If you are - try removing reactor from CB mappool, might help!
u need to be in the fireteam! ^^
damn ur funny!
Thanks! You aren't.
You tried to be the funny guy ;))
Thanks! You didn't.
no idea why its not working on your f3 bind, but if you bind it alone you need to do te " around everything not just the number like with other commands:

bind o "selectbuddy -2"

works fine for me :p
bind F1 "vstr et_teamtoggle"

set et_showteam "vote yes; selectbuddy -2; set et_teamtoggle vstr et_hideteam; echo ^5 Team ^1ON ^5^7"
set et_hideteam "vote yes; selectbuddy -1; set et_teamtoggle vstr et_showteam; echo ^5 Team ^OOFF ^7"
set et_teamtoggle "vstr et_showteam"

U need "refresh" your fireteam, everytime that a new buddy is added 2 it.

You enter in the fireteam
Press F1 for see the signs
New people enter the fireteam
Press F1 2 times
New people enter the fireteam
Press F1 2 times

or just do it once when everyone is already in the fireteam -_-
you don't need to deselect everyone to select all again....
just do /selectbuddy -2 when someone joins :X
My example was bassed in my own bind ...

Anyway & btw xD the real important question: when Razer will release the new f* firmware for their mice without "prediction"? Any new inside infos from RazerGuy???
no idea, using mx518 atm + got no internet @ home
will mail him if they don't release it after mamba gets into the market and it's firmware will be also released
formate C should fix it
bind KP_5 "selectbuddy -2; say_team ^3/Selectbuddy -2"
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