Just want to share with you ...

Last Thursday my girlfriend had a car accident.Thank God, but no one was hurt. Last Saturday my really good friend derailed from the road at 120km/h. Thank God, but there is only financial loss (who cares). Last sunday my also real life friend had a car accident. He is also known ET player and many of you probly know him, but anyway I will not issued his nickname/name.

But then and i hope the last, yesterday arround 3PM my really, but i mean really good freind and his GF had a horrible accident. Both are in critical condition, and for him is very little chance to survive.I just cant belive, really... I am in shock. ATM they are both in a coma and even their parents may not see them. The girl has a crushed femur, damaged respiratory system (currently breathing trought tube), broken ribs, they do not know exactly what is with head and the guy is even worse.

Please drive with caution, better to arrive 10 minutes later than never.

EDIT: i forgot to mention that the person who caused the accident died
mm sorry for you
Man, that sucks big time man hope your friend and his girl will be ok.
fred got a ticket for running a stop sign !

lets flame him
lost a friend in a carcrash aswell while back, makes you think about life doens't it

hope all will come out well

but i already lost one very good friend last year in car accident... SUX
Yeah it happens a lot :(
was in a similar situation last summer:s
hope itll also turn out well
ffs stupid kids (yes i know im 18) just wont learn shit

damn sorry for them
:( wtf!

hope everything goes smooth buddy!
driving is the most dangerous way of transport. but still, most of drivers (especially these newbies) drive very fast even when they dont have any XP in that.
imo - and i am really really serious - would be much better, if more people started to travel via bike.. in cities its faster, clearlier and better for your health
anyway i feel sorry for you and for them too. my schoolmate has driving licence for one year and every day i am afraid of his life..
..cu @ our match today..
80 schoolmates of mine have their driving licences and every day im not afraid of any of their lifes
already driving for over 5 years and never made a scratch :)
afkloppen !
klop klop :p
..more than just he got diriving licence, but i care about this, cuz he is my friend and think about himself, that is "god of the road"
wouldnt it be more reasonable to worry when he already should be at school, but he aint? imo thats too exagerated
it is, when we know he is going to school but is late..
always look on the bright side of life
yeah, ofc, but what would be the bright side if he had accident? :o
ye...this was meant for the times when you worry that he could have 1..if he had one, the bright side would be pretty small
XP i.e. for...

- holding @ red traffic light +1 XP
- driving with allowed speed +2 XP
- dont have a crash for 10 hours of driving +10 XP bs
- driving not drunk +5 XP
- helpin so who injured in accident +7 XP

when u reach 250.000 u passed...

nah.. srsly total agree with u!! imo the amount of horse powers should be also limeted for noobs
my mate has car with just few horsepower but still he is pretty dangerous o_O
XP.. i meant.. fast reactions in unexpected situations etc
Im gonna keep it with driving the tank on goldrush or the truck on supply. Much safer that way.
yes u are funny really
it does crush you once in a while tho :o
We need bycicles in ET!
i think that's why they mad the allies fop black, so he can steal the bikes! HE FINALLY GOT A PURPOSE IN THE GAME!
the kemali becomes important.
hehe yeah infi got a point there :p
well now that was funny somehow :D
damn, its lik you have a serie noire
iam sorry to hear that m8 :(
m8 of me had a car accident few weeks ago.. the car is total loss but he is fine.. though it makes you think about life :(
oh fuck that's really sick man :( hope the best for you nad your friends..
if anyone would just follow the speed limit..
I feel sorry for you
slaba, slaba
upam da se zvleceta :<
rly sad to always hear such things things again! Gl for ur mates, they'll do it!
all the best and stuff, but it's sort of weird that all your friends have car accidents?
they all had the same driving instructor
polish hater:<
i'd stay away from cars if i were you!
gl 2 ur mate ;(!
So where's your God now?
im sry for u, had this 2 times allrdy with good friends of me.. .
LoL can nobody drive where you live?
I'm sorry for You. Wish You the best..!
Bet the insurance fucking loves your area!!
you should put thank god after you mention she is ok otherwise it'll seem that your glad she was in the car crash.
How the fuck srsly can i say TNX GOD if both are in critical condition.Guy proly wont make it ...
you dont understand what im saying.

"Last Thursday my girlfriend had a car accident.Thank God"

notice how you say thank god after mentioning she was in a car crash (made it sound like you were happy she was in a car crash) rather then saying it after mentioning nobody was hurt (would of shown you were glad that everybody was ok)
Or he could just remove the word 'but' :P
i hope the vry best for your friends
Awful, just awful :[
sorry to hear that =/
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