Tired and bored.

Again at work, didn´t get enough sleep because I had too much fun playing poker which I started again yesterday cause I have time for it again. Luckily coffee helps a little bit and it was such a cold morning that it woked me up while cycling. Got evening shift too today, though tomorrow I can sleep whole day :)

So, what´s in the news? Big fight in the motorway at Sweden after some collision, Finland is full of illegal porn and United States of America Obama Dildo has been released.

And oh, United States of America Johnny Cash would have his birthday today, rip, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johnny_Cash . Let´s listen few songs from him.

The most known one, "Hurt"
"Walk The Line"l
Another great cover, "Solitary Man"
"When The Man Comes Around"

image: 103000539

What´s in your mind?
I have taken naps few times here when hangovered, but can´t do it this early, got still some things to do :(

After 11.00 np :)
"i need some more coffee to keep my chappyness alive..." is basically whats on my mind :D
I hurt myself today
To see if i still feel
I focus on the pain
The only thing that's real
eh, the most known one is the ring of fire
Well, I guess that depends on your knowledge and taste. Let´s agree that Hurt the is most played in popular radio stations?
i've never even heard of hurt, yet i know like 15 of his songs, strange eh?
Indeed it is. I think it it shares the number 1 place in greatest covers ever made with "All Along The Watchtower".
at school atm..
bored indeed.
Blood and tears upon the altars of our lives we shed
Blood and tears until the sweet release we share in death
Hours like days, weeks feel like years
Decades of Tears
Yet somehow everything seems so worthwhile
For a moment everything seems so worthwhile
For a moment...for a moment...
walk the line<333
I won't tell you.
Doesn´t matter, I can read your mind.

It goes: "---------*BLANK*---------*STILL BLANK*--------"
Not *CLAP CLAP*...
that dude in the background moonwalkin?
The Joker from The Dark Knight!
» You cannot post two comments in a row that fast.
L0L Go sleep nerd :p
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