Wireless mouses for gaming?

I was just arguing with my irl friend about gaming mouses, their prces and stuff. and we made a bet but nevermind.. my question is what about wireless and gaming? From my personal experience and some other m8 its shit.. opinion please ;P
i used to have logitech G7, imo its the same..
wireless mouse is ever shit
I guess you can put it quite simple; wired will always be a faster/more responsive and more reliable medium.
wireless mmmm
I used to have a G7, it was just as responsive as any wired mouse ive ever used. Imo the majority of ppl who say that wireless are shit have never tried the latest wireless mice.
for WoW yes!
They run out of batteries - sucks. They respond later - sucks. There isn't any good wired mouse either, so how could there be a good wireless one - sucks.
used G7, haven't notced much difference in responce, but the weight is way TOO huge ;[
www.razerzone.com , the new one is fucking amazing
Logitech MX Revo with the Uber drivers.
Don't use wireless for gaming.. wireless radio-waves are distorted by other common wireless devices so it is impossible to make them as accurate as cords.
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