good morning =))

Morning crossfire ! Did you sleep long enough, or not ? What are you going to do today ? Tell me everything ! ;P

No random pic :o
no random pic, no story :(
not, work, party tonite.

i hate my work... i hate the ppl here. hate is the word today
You're a bit unstable arent you... :/ ;p
yes yes always... i just didnt slept good last nite. so im pissed since i awake today... :p
hope im better when i can go home.. ;)

nice noticing ;)
UYnderstandable, I'm sure youll feel better when the partying starts ;D
only waiting for the alc :p

heheh nah not rly. but its strange to still work here also i leave them in 2 weeks.. not rly a motiviation...anymore.. w/e weeekend soon!!!!!!!
I had weekend since thursday :) Today I have to go to school though to apply to take all the exams I failed again :p
gl for it ;) im gonna do party tonite but cannot decide so far. otherwise im tired cause of this fucking earlyshift this week :( hmm!
thx :) I'm going out tomorrow I think =)
same here i think!
ok nice cu then
Woke up at 6, watched 2 episodes of friends and new naruto shippuuden after that i've just been chilling here and cleaning my room \o oh and gonna spend nice weekend!
its broken for me »_«
holy shit :'( sec

edit/ try to klick the url :d
yesterday i was sleeping 4h. Today 6, But, it's gonna be a good day :)

Try to finish Touhou 6 on hard
Start Touhou 7
Wait for mah scans to pop up on
Learn some Python and work on C for uni
Watch skins
Play Persona 3 FES i have time
Browse 4chan & CF
Watch some animes/series
Go to supermarker (sunlight will burn me ;_;)

hello. Its impossible to sleep long enough... at least i dont remember when i slept enough :d

todos today?
- clean up the home
- start to learn, ive got exams soon...
- finally eat sth!
Eh, having kinda busy day on work today! Bills gotta be payed, paying reminders sent out!
Going to the bar tonight! (b)
moving back home, meaning cleaning up my place & arranging everything to go home
Slept 7 hours which is plenty. Off to work now but taking my skateboard in with me so I can go out later \m/
your journal is lack of a random picture
take this
image: 14300906or13_01c9f
DuNNo, But GoIng To gYM In AnY Sec.
I overslept, so for now I'll read some books and meditate, then try to sell some weed, if it succeed I'll go to buy new fullcap, if don't I'll just go outside. :F
I went to bed at like 3 am. I had to wake up at 8 am to wake up my gf. Slept till now and was woken up atleast 7times, so im kinda cranky and stuff. Its a beautiful sunny day, clear blue sky so maybe ill go for a walk outside of something since my bike is still fucked up totally, skating cant be done cause of the small stones (triflip knows what im talkin' bout).
going to make this image: tosti
and then i dunno, eat it i gues
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