the worst day of ur life [emo]

hai like tell me about the worst day of ur life :D since i'm so bored and my ex girly is being a cunt now :o
this journal
Xfire is not ready for that.
it is give me a juicy story :D
After some months of playing ET I discovered
The day I played my first match with cuttyP was my best day ever :-)
ahaha :D:D seems like an bad day :p
I also missed my bus later that night when I wanted to get to my sister's home to take a shower, so I had to wait for half an hour while it was freezing.

Was really amazing.
lulz -_- my worst day was deffinetly last new years eve... in a short story i was trying to find my girlfriend all night then when i found her she broke up with me and i was like kinda mad and sum dude kept annoying me so i told him to go away and he went away and found me again when he was with his friends and they jumped on me and started beating me and i was like wtf then my friends helped me and i walked away as soon as i could then after that party my friends left early so i couldn't get home + my jacket was stolen @ the party and my phone was with no battery so i couldn't call them and i was broke (no monney) and ye i had to walk 30 km to get home ;(
nd ye we had been together for a 2 and a 1/2 year so it was kinda hard the days after that :p but naow she's just beying totaly cuntish and fuck sakes girls r fucking retared!

image: 2dkbt54
I just moved in with mine.

Wish me luck!
ahaha :D i hope she's nice then =) gl :p
1.girls are not retarded (some maybe ,same thing 2 guys)
2.i am not dld porn ,i am just watching it over the i-net ,or better doing "sth" with my bf
3.uhm ok
you didn't get it, it's about males, who date, cause they can't download pron.
thanks for pointing out the obvious! :P
checkst du die ironie nicht?^^
o_O what the fuck :P
thats really what i'd call a bad day
nothing worth mentioning tbh

I could come up with some 'I failed at thisorthat test' or 'that chick broke up with me' but all that is quite not too bad and i'm happy i didn't have to suffer from anything worse so far
i want cap in supply as medic, so i select class eng, run up jump to the flag /kill --->failjump respawn as eng no cap -.-
i don't know, but i think it's the day i made a huge hole in ceiling, in new house (we were living there like 2 days 8DDD), the hole was like 1,5mx1 m i broke my finger, + i had to pay like 300 euro :s Dunno if it's the worst day i have ever had, but i dont remember other stories
wtf :D how did u manage to make a huge hole in the ceiling -_- ?
hard to explain with my poor knowledge of english. We have 2 floors here (downstairs and upstairs ) and one floor extra,(when u want to go there, u have to use ladder ) we dont use it, we don't have floor there, only some wodden shit, i went there ( i dont know why ) i smoked a cig, i was comming back, i fell down and i landed in ... bathroom :D
haha i understand :D
well, my parents weren't really happy and it wasnt nice situation, but now it's really funny to me
ye same here.. it's kinda funny how shit day that was though it is still kinda hard 2 me to face the fact that we aint together anymore :(
Well, of course it's a matter of time. I probably don't know how you exactly feel, because i haven't been in serious relationship and i guess it's hard, when you are alone after all those years, but i am sure you will get better soon =]
thx mate <3 and ye i know i will be better soon but i want her back :p nd i know i will have her sooner or later but the proplem is will i still wanna have her when i get her ;d
got owned by olbaa

<olBaa> haha you noob sucker
Met CuttyP on irc, life has never been the same again :(
you have also met him in real life. that was a moment to remember
thats a repressed memory!!!! pls edit your comment or you'll spoil toss for ever!
you, sir, are a bad man! :<
Jester! <3
i read it fast , my bad
you probably watch the one with lesbians!
1st january 2009

crash accident, irl fight with friend and my gf left me

i won ktnx
haha. well so u and ur girl r still seperated?
well i won now.. i just found out last night that she was doing it with another dude while we were 2 gether :/

anyways sorry to hear that mate :( ohh and ye i had a car crash accident today :/ sum lady was driving in a 100 km/h --> this way and i was going <-- that way as i was supposed 2 but this woman was drunk or sumthing so se was driving on the road the wrong way if u understand me and my jeep is ruined.. honestly i think sum1 is trying to tell me sumthing :S first i hear about my Ex witch i was going to get back but now i wont couse she's with another dude... and today i ruined my jeep shibby.. think god's saying jEzt0rr be EMO GO nd cut or self xD
few weeks ago, lots of bullshit, I was on a forced vacation from school, crashed my car and everything was so shit. trying to recov !
Nothing so bad that i would say it was worst day of my life :)
today, i just played the worst game ive ever played

otherwise worst game i ever played
Albatross *please dont hurt me*
OMG JeZt0ooorrr OMG. Ex-girlfriend? :< Tell me all the dirty details
ye i know that :p
Oo how comes?
since you told me :p
hmm never?
ja on msn :D
it wasnt me
25-10-2008 23:25:11 [email protected] and i watch porn at tv lol if you want me to delete it tell me
not that today is the worst, but i just managed to lose 20€ in my own room. I got no clue where the bill went... had it in my pocket, i think i remember putting it on the table but now its nowhere to be seen. :(
Helvítis mellur!

Segiru vinur?
yesterday, that was pure shit
lost 1200€ in poker monday, isnt that enjoyable :D
I dont do bad days
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