hand + mouse coordination

anyone have some good games to improve my hand and mouse coordination, even to kill some time ^^
try WOW, its simple the best!
dinged 71!!!!
reflex shooting from RaZiel's aiming guide is still my n1

EDIT for hand and mouse coordination hmm thats a hard one
try maybe cheese?
you mean hand eye methinks
u dont need much aiming skillz if u are pro with zeh keyboard
hand coordination = master baiting HA only i understood what he was asking
fap fap fap this is the best way
wank and try to cum in your eye
believe me its not that good feeling
So you have a story for us? :>
well not a big story but once i didnt expected "it" will go that high if you get me :o
Don't underestimate the power of jizz!

I was fucking my ex in her kitchen, I pulled out and it hit the cupboards above her head, prolly 1m away from me or smth. I told her I deserved a high 5 for the achievement, all I got was a towel to clean that shit up :(

TMI? Sorry, hope you're enjoying your breakfast!
image: hand-mouse
Iv a hand mouse to
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