
Wanna add some cool pieces to my drumset (u can see bits of it here, aint got a better vid/pic of it I guess), gimme ideas!!

Was thinking of a image: cowbell maybe, or a image: t_zildjian%20k-custom%2019%20hybrid%20china, or maybe a pair of image: bongo_full_25427

Shouldn't be loose percussion items though, it'll be mounted to my current drumset, and since I'm playing metal I'm not looking for shit like image: wind-chimes-25-bars

Already have a bassdrum, high- mid- and floor-tom, snare, two cymbals and a crash, an improvised cymbal with nails in holes, a sorta extremely large china made out of brushed copper, a 2nd higher smaller snare, and that's basically it...

If any of you have some original or just plain brutal metal-style drumparts in mind, please post em here, would be awesome, thx!

image: solved-peterpuffer
take the bongos
Just came across these, also look sexy tbh :O
image: 378
im gonna pimp up your boring journal
image: Cartest_grandpa
ur so social
u succeeded x]

image: Bollywood_horse_slide
old, posted before
wait, i tought this was a "post anything you find on jj.am" race
nonono, you have to subscribe the jjam rss feed to get the newest gifs!
mmm... like.. 14 years ago already or smth ye
nice tom setup BD
actually works out fine ^^
how uve been doin m8?
good! changed my electric kit, moving out in 4 weeks and might change for another (acoustic) set later this year if getting a place to play on.

Roland TD12 with better hihat, ride etc
image: td12s

and btw saw u on cc5 and was about to come to throw word or two but u already disappeared :p had my Epica hoodie on with me there
was thinking about buying an electric set at first but now that I can play the acoustic set whenever I want to I don't feel like getting an electric anymore ^^

got any recordings of u playin with a band? I'm rly eager to hear it tbh :)
not playing on a band atm, but maybe trying to find one later this year. was about to record some clips to youtube soon, tho :P

and yea myself I prefer acoustic one, but just can't have one atm :<
btw wadda ya think of that new song we're makin now?
need better recording & might be slightly too heavy to judge ;p
whaha this recording is made with some random photocamera from our guitar player ^^ But I guess you can hear the rough outlines of the song.

w8, listen to the Blooded Light Toxic Breeze recording on www.myspace.com/reignofwar , sound quality is a bit better, it's the first recording of the song though so it has changed a bit, and we had no vocals there, we do now and it sounds alot better, but that song is also quite heavy, so I guess u'll like it ^^
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