Best anti-virus?

Since I format and installed my laptop on new - I'm gonna need a anti-virus program

Normaly I've been using McAfee
but you got any other advices what is the best choice?

Np that I need to pay for them, i'll prolly get them unlegal anyways.

I use Antivir.
its a free one :)

Never had a virus with it :)
AVG or Avira Antivir
I've been pleased with Norton :)
nod32 has proved awsome for me through the years
antivir is good enough
As with other cats, the male lion's penis has spines which point backwards. Upon withdrawal of the penis, the spines rake the walls of the female's vagina, which may cause ovulation. A lioness may mate with more than one male when she is in heat during a mating bout, which could last several days, the couple copulates twenty to forty times a day and are likely to forgo eating.
kaspersky got the best results :~>
but i advice you to use linux D:

If ur using vista turn of UAC otherwise this precracked version won't work.
which version is it?
mine says 3.0.642.0 in the about box
I don't know why but since a while ago, I can't use Firefox or Internet Explorer with NOD32, and when I delete it, I can just surf on the web. You know a solution?
try disabling web access protection, I disabled it also because it was blocking some of the warez sites I visit.

otherwise I don't know also, not a pro at nod32 just have it to have a virus scanner xD
AVG :)
nice programm and for free for sure.

otherwise buy kaspersky 2009 for 35€
NOD32 or Avira Antivir
nod32 is the best
Threatfire :> and its free.....

try nod32 (im using it atm), but there's another free antivirus called AVG. also good one
avira should be the best free one.
i'm using mcafee virusscan enterprise (legal though); never had a virus or anything else on my pc. all this shit got deleted/in quarantine in the same moment winxp took access on the file(s).
Avira AntiVir seems to be the best free choice at the moment (edit: doh, they don't allow hotlinking... the report is @ comparatives -> report from November 2008)

Just disable the annoying popup and you're set.
antivir 4 the win :)
AntiVir best and cheap!
Antivir, best balance of price (none), performance and security.
Kaspersky 2009 is the best atm.
I wouldn´t buy a for-free-edition...
Anti what?
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