ET problem shizzle :/

Since today my ET is doing quite strange, everytime if i want to join a server it just crashes and you get the useall ET stopped working "send/dont send"

Things i've tried

- ET's on both HDD's
- Reinstalled ET 3 times
- Other config

Any else got some idea's what could be wrong? :{ ( and yes other games work, CoD4, CoD2, WC3, WoW)

Edit: i dont use cg_gun_frame shit

image: etfout

edit: i had that too, only thing that worked for me was a format ¬.¬
haha unistall cheats lan dodger
u are rly traag tom
ja zeker je failde met je 15 min connecten xDD
try using et.exe instead of etBot.exe
Nice failing 2 read. mr i was on the ETbot list
cg_gun_frame 0
uninstall f-secure

only 2 reasons i know
he is don't using gun_frame he said to me :<
i is are not using that anyway also !!!
"he is don't using" just rippin that polak or w/e he is for the excellent engrish
reply to him then :P
selfbust wowcare
Delete stats and some of the demos from etpro folder..dunno if it helps
had it some thousands of times with old PC... if i remember right... it crashes when you connect into a random server. just open ET. view a random demo... then /disconnect from the demo and hf playing again... on a demo view /cvar_restart + exec your config again might help as well

That is a big problem! I don´t have an answer. Sorry!

ask cuttyP
[nl] Heb je vanochtend toen je de pc opstarte een update van je pc of virus scanner gehad??[/nl]
Nope, nothing :X
[nl]ik had namelijk het zelfde het probleem, en bij mij was de virus scanner het probleem, hij gaf geen toegang aan Wolfenstein en kon dus geen verbinding krijgen op 1 of andere manier, kon wel naar ETTV connecten maar niet naar gewone servers, maar nadat ik bij me virus scanner had gekeken en aan het gegeven dat hij toegang moest geven aan Wolfenstein en sinds dien geen problemen meer gehad ;)

hopefully wil het werke gl ;)[/nl]
nja, de dag ervoor deed ie het gewoon perfect. Gisteren wil ik me server joinen crashed ie gelijk, ik wil me demo's kijken crashed ie ook.
uninstall WoW.
get a new comp and a new net..and a new headset and a new car and a new home..might work i dunno :|
LOL I had the same, New computer or bb ET
was fixed for me when i rebooted
Well done !
just send it, they might help you
Never had any feedback on sending and my Windows is not legal :D
delete all invalid pk3 files or delete etconfig
I've installed 3 other ( new ET's) and tried those, the same shit. tried it on my other HDD ( also crashes).
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