ipod touch or ...

I'm currently thinking about getting an ipod touch (16GB), but last time I was in the mall I saw some small laptops for just a few euro's ...

I'd like to know if it's worth to buy one of these small laptops, since I wanted to use the ipod touch for traveling and so one, because it's a nice and handy thing to watch movies on it and browse the internet ... the laptop might be too big for my needs, since I can't use it all the time (like the ipod) ...

any suggestions? my budget is around 350€ , so if you suggest something else, I'll be thankful!
kauf dir ne travelpussy
genau, die gibts an ausgewählten kondom-automaten deines vertrauens!
ja engeee weiß alles!
wenn du meinst
get an iphone instead
'350€' - without a contract it costs up to 500€.
then get a contract
ipod touch = iphone w/o tel and sms mode

buy an iphone instead of

i personally dont like those ipods
Apple-hater, why don't you like them? I mean: the design is perfect, they work perfect and they aren't very expensive compared to other high-quality stuff.
+ community support
Yes that, and if it's broken or it doesn't work you send it to the factory and it will be repaired/replaced for free, if you've got a valid reason.
ipod touch just sucks ball
too much and then again too few functions
its either a multifunction cell phone, or a mp3 player, but not a freak like the ipod touch is

useless functions anyway
Why would you need a phone with 5 megepixels then? There are photocamera's, right? Why do we need a expensive-ass car if it only has to be able to drive along the roads?
350 mini pc im aldi
Depends if you have to move a lot, you can have cool ePC for this price but if you can't even sit to use it you should go for the iPod touch, jailbreak it and hf
iTouch isn't jailbreakable yet.
Of course it is, i jailbreaked mine, iTouch is avaible since 2007 and modder are fast ;)
I ment the 2nd gen, but I just heard that it's semi-breakable
XD wat?

Iam even using the Iphones software on mine :D
Yea it is. Only the second generation has a tethered and semi-tethered jailbreak atm, but they are working on a full untethered.
buy an older touch (2g isnt jailbroken properly)
i love my ipod touch but the battery life is shitty when it comes to internet/games/videos. it drains quickly so you gotta make sure your not running anything unnecessary
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