contest jury

anyone knows them?
their motives?
they have only just shown how pathetic and clueless about movies they are.
image: 1235948100
i knew your movie wasnt selected!
more whine!
you dont deserve it
figured I'd repost this here:

well considering your vid was frag based - aka no theme of frags, just random clips compiled, you were competing against the other "frag based" clips such as delirium, clowned, aftershock and cavaclade and et as it should be, and to be fair your random ass lagging around the map bullshit wasn't very exciting or entertaining, your editing may have been better in some cases, like when comparing to et as it should be, but your video lacked a lot - in terms of skill mostly, your frags may have been against decent - pretty good teams, but most of them were really bad - and in case you were wondering why I didn't include strike plastic, vivid noise, and feel inspired by the enemy is because they each have their own unique themes, strike plastic obv the concentration of fops, vivid noise - the panz and feel inspired by the enemy a showcase of et in general, so if anything you should be complaining about the one vid that you could've contested against which was et as it should be, but regardless your vid fucking sucked
and why is that?
your movie was probably in the group of movies they were selecting from to fill the last couple of spots for the 9

i do agree that its better than some movies picked for the top 9, but i can see how they left it out

i think with you and fredd the problem was in frag presentation which was kind of the point in this competition - not to make nice effects to cover the ingame footage. and both of your movies were pretty dark.

i personally like clowned and stike plastic the best

you think i was happy when a joke movie with fake frags and poor production got 1st place in that crossfire movie contest? :)
not fake, fu
yes, but its still a bullshit to do such things
my frags werent any worse than other movies, while kept better editing level overall, + all was differenciated, frags from every weapon n stuff

its nice how some anonymous randoms can fuckup ur day, without even giving a single reason
nice that movie contest concerning free game can fuck up your day :XD
game is free, my time isnt, and ive spent quite a lot about this one
welcome to zeh internet
are the results in or what :D?
If it's not good enough for the top 3, why does it matter whether or not it's good enough for the top 9?
Quote....without even giving a single reason

well considering that under creativity they picked full tutorialized 100% copied effects, and under frags 2 videos with pubkills, then yes
I don't think you answered my question.

state it then :D
"why does it matter whether or not it's good enough for the top 9?" ;]
i`d rather call that personal reasons, some result of some experiment
I hope you didn't mix up "experiment" and "experience" ;D
my experience is fine, experiment has shown that onleh name of the fragger counts, nothing more
If you're so experienced, why do you do such stupid experiments then? ;-D

Seems the experience didn't give you an advantage this time!
i tried to check how will people react after seeing clips with good frags, but agains relatively lower opponents + made by a complete(?) nonamr
i`d get good frags if i wanted to, trust me :<
Why should it matter if the one who is killing is a *noname* or a known player? If i understand you correctly you say that a known guy should have gotten a better ranking then when hes not known, thats just utter bullshit.
who said this is not a bullshit?
Tell me, why the fuck should some1 who put frags of a more known guy in a movie should make more chance to win a >VIDEO< Contest.
how the fuck would i know
you're just bitter.
klejf rage? ":D"
fuck off already..
they probably hate polaks just like the rest of the world

image: Cry-Baby-765307
Man, you're getting on my nerves :-D Cut it already!

On the other hand, to cheer you up - it was your best clip so far :-)
no need to cheer me up, ss with the top9 will be the best joke for whole 2009
including your darkcrap in
Man, that was probably the most childish commet from you for a while. :-D
i feel honoured :D
May I ask why the heck are you being a cunt towards me? :-d
no idea, you must have written some bs comment + voted my movie 1/1/1/1 before :D
dont take it personal, he also did that to me :P
Cause you placed better than him in the competition.
New klejf rage pics incoming!
im gonna make next movie with epic ragepics only
gonna win this time
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