Bacilis is getting ... old! And still is nazi idiot!

Congratulations, You, damn and fucking nazi asshole bastard Bacilis in Your 23rd birthday! I hope You'll die from AIDS or in car crash, or fromg nigger attack who steals your 42' plasma TV!

Oh, thank You, Bacilis! You're so kind!

Fuck You All!!! (c) Carpathian Forest.

Assholes. You all.

Since tomorrow I will drink together with Stalin and Hitler in hell - I give greetings to myself today.
is it actually you in the profilepic? :D
image: 20
Did Black Metal Cooking video. Similiar to Black Metal Cookies. QQ
Plz Carpathian Forest sux bawls
why did gay admins delete my greetings? Do I smell rotting sol here?
Stupid nigger deleted mine too

QuoteHEIL \m/

Have a good birthday :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

image: 51741~Carpathian-Forest-Posters
ow yeah i'm a nazi because i hate communists

rly n1, stupid fuck
why so negative xD
you are SO not funny...............
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