et and linux...................


i installed et on linux according to the tutorial, but i cant run it. when i press the short cut nothing happens and when i open a terminal and pres /usr/local/games/enemy ..etc.. it says:

./et.x86: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: no such file or directory

what to do!?! please help me!

Kinda self-explanatory tbh...
Haven't seen that error message before; not sure if I can help you solve the problem. If you answer the following questions, you'll have a better chance of getting help:
  • Which distribution are you using? Ubuntu?
  • Are you using the 32-bit version or the 64-bit version of the distribution?
  • How exactly did you install the game?
- ubuntu 8.10

- 64 i believe

- in terminal:
xhost +
su (enter root pw)
sh ./et-linux-2.60..etc..
and followed the normal menu.
Ah. The tutorial here on CF assumes that you're installing the game on a 32-bit version of Ubuntu. To make ET work on a 64-bit version, you need to install some additional libraries. Read this tutorial:
thnx it worked, but got some massive accel now :P you know any tutorial how to remove that (A)
np :)

I don't mind the acceleration, so I haven't looked into how you turn it off. According to the comments that were made to this forum thread, which Klapp wrote, it seems this is how you do it:
  • Put in_dgamouse 2 in your ET config
  • Issue the command xset m 1 1 in the terminal
oBs is right, go with his advice.
got videodrivers installed?
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