Hai cf,
The missing pc parts of my awesome new # Enermax PRO-82+ Netzteil - 525 Watt
# Samsung HD502IJ, F1, 7200rpm, 16MB, 500GB, SATA-II
# Gigabyte GA-MA790X-UD4, AMD 790X
# Cooler Master RC-690-KKN1-GP
# AMD Phenom II 940 4 x 3.0 Ghz
# Sapphire Radeon HD 4850 1024 MB
# 4 Gb Kingston 1066 Mhz DDR2

I had to change some positions cause of unaviability, but its still an awesome pc imo.
still haven't arrived. I swear if they are not here tomorrow i will run amok.
Anyway i will be back in et soon, be prepared! (:XD)

Shoutout to Maarten, Haydar, Laurens, and everyone else in my Buddylist!
random pics are overrated
wich OS do you use?
win xp, its best for gaming imo, linux was too much hassle for me.
32 or 64 bit?
32, i dont care about 700 mb ram less tbh :D
+ 64 bit has strange compatability issuses with some progs i heard
ok lol. And i havent heard of any problems with different programs, only with some drivers when people have installed drivers ment for 32 bit :)

but thou 3,3 gb ram is quite awesome so who cares :DDd
haydar is a hater richbitch
chill ;)
und hör mal wieder cypress hill
wich OS do u use?
:D Omg cant wait man
Random pics are NOT overrated, sir!
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