green streets 2.

ok, worst film ever ? pretty fookin close if its not....

name me a worse movie plz, so i can avoid it like crabs on a 65 year old whore.
Just extracted it :(
un-extract it quick :<
Extract to : recycle bin
I saw it this afternoon when it was uploaded, I didn't like it :(
the first one was so good tho =/
first one was decent yeah. this however, is a steaming pile of monkey spunk :<
just watched the trailer and they actually try and play football to get out of prison? and they look like thay cant even play =/
So's anything with Tom Green, but that's probably cause he actually wanked off a monkey..
Torrenting lost episode 8 atm, any good?
tip top. especially the 500 foot statue :D
not really no
I was disappointed tbh..
At least they stopped with the whole, start at the end of the episode thing. That was annoying as fuck.

i hope they can fix the fucking plot
I'm pretty sure at the beginning the writers said it all could be explained by rational science, however now there is time traveling going on the whole "plausibility" of the program is right out the window.

Still enjoy it though.
Ah didn't even know they made another i just watched Soulmen Kev you seen it funny as fuck well worth a watch
It doesn't have Tom Green in it so it can't be the worst film ever..

Worse movie : any with Tom Green e.g. Freddy Got Fingered (although backwards man was awesome)
gaz ya bawbag!
good morning jonny boi o/
I stopped downloading it after I saw the trailer :X
think the first one wasnt too great either
thnx for telling me about it :D ...

Just watched it .. I think it was pretty good tbh ...
Had some good moments :P
Near the end where 20 ppl where outside the house brought back some good memories :)
i rly like first part but i didnt download yet this one, its rly so fucking bad O:?
Didn't see it but the first was already so bad that I'm cured.
what? i don't even know this shit :O
E: i know it :D but i wouldn't watch it anyway...
They made a sequel of that shit heap?

I mean, he was a fucking good hobbit but..
I liked the movie! :)
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