Public Enemies Trailer

image: public-enemies-poster

Johnny Depp...Christian Bale...Michael Mann...

This is going to be gooooood!!!!
yup looks interesting :>
Christian "gtfo" Bale?
Hate the digital camera ;(
Not very interesting,
oh my fucking god

that guy has scrabble
first time i actually laughed for something you say, in a funny way :)
looks sweet
Thomas Mann?
Michael Mann.

He directed Heat, The Insider, Collateral, Last Of The Mohicans etc.
Yeah, I know. :-D
By the way I find it´s pretty disturbing to see Johnny Depp handsome and shaved after seeing him in Pirates of the Caribbean.
hell yeah, I can't wait for this. 3,5 months left :P
but somehow I didn't like the camera, is it digital or smth?
anyone seen watchmen yet ?? any good?
Can't say I'm particularly excited about this.
looks like another swag style over substance movie.
It was only my feeling? Felt like they used handycam at some scenes.
Been waiting on this film for ages!
gonna watch it :D
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