New laptop journal (?) ~

Hai cf peeps

I'm looking to buy a nice, stylish laptop for around 700-1000
Should run most games properly, not on high quality perfect but u know what I mean :~>

- Stylish design
- cod4 + 125fps
- not to heavy
- 17inch prefferd, 15-16 will do just fine but..
- A battery that lasts for a long time
- 700-1000€(max)
thnx and babai
not possible to have a good laptop ment for gaming with that budget.

image: Jimms_G71G-7T014K.FFFFFF.200x200
Asus G71G

thats a good one, costs < 1500 €.
You can get laptops with a new core2duo, 4GB RAM and a M9600 for under 1000€ easily. That will run most games just fine.
need link.

They have a couple of more there :-P
A lot also with ATI cards, but I got no clue about their performance, they might be even better/cheaper than the M9600 GTs,
the first 2 are shitty, and none of them has 4 gb ram for example, and the processor Intel Core™2 Duo T6400 2x 2,0 GHz 800mhz is not that good for gaming.

if you seriously are thinking of buying a laptop for gaming over normal pc, u need to invest much money to get the same performance.

600€ laptop = shit for gaming
600€ normal pc= ok for gaming

1200€ laptop = quite ok for gaming
1200€ normal pc= very good for gaming

i dont know much about pc's but imo it makes no sense that u can get the same performance with a laptop that what u can get with normal pc at the same price.
What exactly do you consider as "good for gaming" then? Running FarCry 2 or whatever game got the best graphics atm under 16xAA, 2048 resolution etc?

Most games that are currently played run perfectly on any of those laptops above. Even GTA4, which seems to be demanding quite much.

Take this one then:

If you compare the prices you also have to consider that laptops got a built in monitor, keyboard and "mouse", which is worth another 150-200€. Plus everything comes in one small case and is even portable. I really don't find laptops too expensive anymore compared to desktop PCs.
ok you win :<

But am i wrong in the fact if i say that if you invest for example 1200€ for both PC and laptop, you will get much better performance with the normal pc than a laptop?
Yes ofc you will still get a better performance with the desktop PC, but you should calculate the price the following way:

Laptop = 1200€
PC + Keyboard + Monitor = 1200€, which leaves like 1000€ for the PC itself.

It might be actually still better performancewise, but you also have to consider the mobility of the laptop as you can use for gaming AND working/traveling. This is probably worth another few hundred euros, atleast imaginary.

At the moment I got a desktop PC, which is "ok" for playing also newer games such as GTA4 and a small 12" subnotebook for uni, office, traveling etc. If I actually sold my PC back then and bought a bigger powerfull notebook, it might have been cheaper in the end.
(But since I wanted a small notebook, there was no other choice, but that's a different story!)
ye, but i can't think myself playing ET with my e-m8s on school or if im travelling somewhere. I could get some cheap laptop just for that i can check e-mail and stuff when im on a vacation or travelling somewhere. But that's just me :)
most people would buy external keyboard and mouse for a laptop for fps games too though surely?

although using the touchpad could be hilarious :D
noneed to have 4gb RAM to run games properly.
asus n50 series, bestest.
dell vostro... not that stylish , but hell it's good
laptop - speakers


you feel me?
LoL no :'( explain plz? ;d
I have Dell XPS m1730. Good for gaming but 4,5kg and battery can take 1,5h.
Nick if you buy a acergamelaptop for 1000euro can you play every game @ this moment ;)
Acers are quite nice, hps too but they are too expansive. Toshiba sux
macbook pro! runs windows just nice (apart from the multitouch) and games run superb
got asus g50v
love it
it's wasted money.
why do you want to buy a laptop omg.
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