New msn virus!!

as the title says a new msn virus is on the move. It's pretty much the same as the old ones, says some bla-bla about weightloss and gives you a link (warningvirus warningvirus).

one of my friends has it and i dont how to get rid of it. so any good ideas are appreciated.
go rest in your animelinux porn till you die, n*e*r*d
that is not funny
dont be that stupid next time klicking on weightloss links -.-
fat ?!
go be fat somewhere else
dont use msn, use gadu gadu ! :D
or weight watchers!
fortunately i dont use it
anyway i dont understand, how someone can click on that ad..
When your as fat as huNta you would click on it!
Fake messages :{
Friend of mine has one where it say that someone has uploaded a pic of you @ some hi5-images. It redirects you to an .exe anyway :)))))))
[people that click these kind of links in msn should stop doing what they are doing and turn off there pc and never use it again cuz ur a big fat stupid fuck if you click em]
I don't use msn but usually just opening the site doesn't get you the virus, you actually have to allow a plugin or download some crap so I totally agree :D
oooh well thats even more idiotic. then those people should just kill themselves
Seriously msn viruses are the best stupidity tests out there.
It's a piano keyboard, right ? RIGHT ?
What do I win ?
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