ESL Quake Live Spring league

Anyone else planning to sign up? Personally I couldn't be more enthusiastic about the tournament, discuss!
I'm planning to do it, but just to lose :DDD
To be honest, I'll probably get a whooped too but oh well, doesn't matter as long as I'm having fun! :-D
The only weapon I can handle is Railgun, and thats all about luck for me :x
Well, I'm not that bad, but I'm not pro either :P I was too young back in the days when quake was competively active, so I think I'll get raped due to my inexperience
Never was pro at the game, never will be :D - I geuss I will stick to CoD2 and Et. Besides that I don't got alot of time to paly Q4
i'll be joining to rocket the fuck out of myself! :D crossing my fingers to meet ST-205 somewhere in the league :D it's my turn to take revenge!
I will, and will as well :XD even when ql isn't that fast as CPM
Don't laugh, I haven't even tried the game yet :(
If they make it compatible with openSUSE in time, cba to boot in windows or use a virtual machine just to play a video game.

Now I think of it, even though ET works I haven played it for months, so I guess I cba to play any video game at all :(
I have played it a lot but not a single duel. need basic skills first before I risk getting owned beyond imagination..
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