Moviemod problem

As you can see I see a weapon icon when i use moviemod instead of
xxx got killed by xxx's weapon
image: 30vci3b
Who knows the cvar to remove this ?


who knows a good looking FONT for the you killed messages?
1) don't use moviemod
2) default
dont change fonts
well, moviemod allows me to draw my kills only, which is a huge plus imo

I also need a nice MovieCFG
who can hook me up with 1 ?

System - > Quality settings -> High -> change resolution to 1280*720 with AA and AF at the max ur GFX can do.

it's not a problem, it's just a feature
well, the problem is that i cant find a way to turn the 'ugly ass feature' off
mm_popuptype 0
which 1 do you use? (moviemod) version
read the fucking manual.
mm_popUpType [0;1]  Switches between normal ET popUps and CS’ish popUps.

Its hard if you dont know what they mean with popups
if you dont know what that means stop moviemaking
Yes just becuase I dont know what they mean with popups
Makes common sense
oh cmon, when you were making your movieconfig you didnt come across anything popup related? :|
Sorry but I have not made a movieconfig
I am using ag0n pack now
image: acfbovqgnpaavya5an

dont use it :D
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