How about..

Some crossfire nations cup?!?! :D:D:D:D

(19:33:27) ([CB]Bartichello) no
(19:33:37) ([CB]Bartichello) we will remove you just liek croatia
(19:33:41) ([CB]Bartichello) same with team nl
Rules are rules, mate squall

most ridiculous shit ive ever witnessed, seriously
you better read the rules
Read the rules, how you define who is member in that clan still? I havent played with defix in a year or so.
Well yeah indeed, but why dont you remove yourself then? :p
No offence, actually that rule is indeed retarded, and i would change it myself if i could, but well, if youre a member of a team on cb you count as member id say :p

Ive wrote following before but ill just make my opinion about that rule clear once again:

Nationscup, it means that one nation should present the 6 best players of their nation.
If they are also playing in their normal team together, why shouldnt they be allowed to play?

The main thing for me, is to get the best players together.

Thats my opinion and i just dont get that silly rule.
if you want best players ---> eurocup
and if you want best players of a nation -> nationscup

thx bb
thats not the point of nation cup
because then we will only see fin nl pol and ger there

the whole point is competition, not a game where the outcome is obvious !
still, ive mentioned my opinion above so..nothing to say :d
opinions are like arseholes ...everyone have them
true and ive got the bestessssst
Yeah it would be nice to see that rule in some real sports :D For example in football, the national team of England couldn't take all their best players to world cup if they all played in one team :D Would be fuckin ridiculous.
et is not football
cb is not worldcup in football :DDDDDDDDDDD
every thing have its own rules :DDDDDDDDDD
meanwhile we cant do a thing about it :DDDDD
Did I say so? :DDDD
Just stating why the rules should be changed :DDDDDD
We can do about it :DDDDDD
By whining for it :DDDDDD
haha :DDDD
this is funny :DDDDDD
well so far everyone whine and still no change :DDDDDDDDDDDDD
That's the funny part :DDDD
thats why all the smilies :DDDDDDDDDDDDD
I know :DDDDD
:D Do you remove yourself from you ex-clans? Or, is being in the "inactive" list not enough (tekoa case)?
look when tekoa is involve, im on his side :DDD


team nl got kicked cuz of tekoa one too many times ;D
funny how season after season people complain and whine about CB yet they play it anyway

e: will be easy for Japan now
haha nl again removed. Quite funny
like with perfo n rocky etc? x/
Yes, like 1 or 2 years ago they were kicked to because of to many cheaters. (perfo's team)
Yeah ironically I was in this team as well. Must be my fault!
:P nah I think it was perfo's fault because everyone knew he was getting to much cheaters in 1 team at a nationcup.
cheater hahahhah die overboost

but i'd still suck your cock till my throat explodes of your massive cum bomb.
hmm I was inactive at that time I think, give link of newpost or something :>
Good move!
you may not post irc logs
CB might look a bit stupid atm. hmm, oh wait it's always been like that :-0
after their stunning appearance with the eurocup yesterday, they do this.
it ain't getting any better ;D
Cry me a river.
letem play imo :)
this is so retarded :D:D:D:D
Great job clanbase :)

Could you please check if ITA SWE POL ESP played fair???
ofc not - they dont play fair.

Kick all from NC without of course Slovenians tards.
hungary, france and poland is the ones needs checking if I am correct :-p
after this, i completely agree!
go squall go :D
Cup has been a joke since Group B was made.

Group A - 2 qualifier teams
Group B - 0 qualifier teams
Group C - 4 qualifier teams
Group D - 4 qualifier teams

At least ClanBase is consistently bad.
Romania & Spain qualified for group B, which would be 2, however it is QUITE obvious how poor group B is in comparison to other groups
are u seriously kicking finland due to some 3v3 team? :D
Yep, we are already removed :DDDDDDDDDDDD
I bet Team Finland used defix's tactics in their matches.. THAT IS SO UNFAIR!
bibuy nc
BB :=)
It is already funny seeing NL getting kicked for players that are just on CB and didn't play a match for the team. But seeing Finland getting kicked for a 3v3 team:D That makes me cry/smile :D
but the best part of this is that we haven't played with dfx ? me, lpri?, squall, matias or rk :DD and still we got kickt.

Always been spirea, sanda & random 3rd
For example malczik.
And Poland will continue! :D
why not continue the nc with nl/fin/croatia and without cb?
/facepalm :<
nice fuckup Cb
This is even better, like the time when razz got busted.
Oh nouu, I gotta make sure. CB admins we SNB have had same 4 players in the last EC, do we have to change our players now? You could make it more thrilling and make this same rule to be accounted in EC too!
NC just gets more and more bullshit. From Group B, to the inconsistent carding, to this...

Ugh. I'm with nl/fi/cro on this one. Perhaps some kind of protest/boycott could be organised?
This has turned into a FailCup
nc got epic fail, simple... putting those shity rules, to prevent to see really nice teamplay at NC makes no sense really. NC is for showing the best players from that country even that them are from same team, but who cares at the end, its still national cup and all should be allowed to play, no matter are them from same team or diffrent.
Kicking Finland for a 3vs3 team, now that's incredibly ridiculous... If the admins don't realize that too, what the fuck are they doing there then..

Great admins, great success.

Finland and NL were ONLY kicked because the admins cared about the Croatian whine which they obviously should have ignored in the first place. And even Croatia shouldn't have been removed. CB just isn't a tiny bit of what it used to be.
cmon :( it was olBaa's chance !
Chance to get a pocal!!!
Now they got only [fail]pocal xD
its a rule that has been there for ages though. Im not saying its not a shame in this case, just.... something they could have known.
Simply just boycott the nationscup if they don't let these teams play..
haha lol :D UK@playoffs ::Z:Z:Z::SDS::S:A::A::DF:F:F:F:F
sry squall :< now you can play more with us .DD
congratz UK !
nc is ruined thanks cb
cb is busy ruining our great game ET
cmon :( it was olBaa's chance !
nawww :'(((((((((((((((((( I can't imagine how hard it must be :<
Fucking awsome ! kick em all !
good decision, fucking owned mate
haha who cares finland would have lost anyway
nice fail cb admins : <
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