BiBuy :o)

we need Lun4t1C !
wtf? omg fucking clanbase

croatia <3
gl cze, france and uk =D
i dont really follow et, but this is just so fucking lame and stupid
Hi, this is rules, this is serious business !
why are you talking, your terrible.
what about japan ???????????
ohhhhh good call.
they dont play CB matches with their clan afaik
not on cb but they play together.
Yea I know but it doesn't matter. FIN,NL and CRO players played CB matches with their clans. JP players never played any CB matches with their clan and because this is a CB NC it doesn't apply to them.

(not that I agree with CB btw)
suvi didnt play....
Yea maybe but I was only pointing out the Japan case.
edit: Suvi is on the roster btw, seems to be the same for CB.
i never played an offi and I was added for 3 hours in the clan and thats what got us kicked
they dont play in the same clan? :c
so many clans in japan....
angelus on 09/03/09, 13:13:05 PM | Reply

kirark - clanless
upstate - clanless
miruku / vienna - spilt
rollstone - bp
remishi - alt
sirokuma / gabriel - gym
nonke - rz
apparently not? :c
and Sweden for example... teams like, wings, dispo, uC, etc. -.-
the rules were there for all teams to read from the start, and have not changed for years? so why cry now about breaking the rules everyone knew were in place?

on the other hand, why did clanbase not warn or advise all teams about this and not wait till soooooo many games had been played before enforcing the rule? surely they must check these rosters before the competition actually starts? if not, its the height of lazy adminning and they need a shake up in who runs CB. they could have spotted the roster rule breaking before it even started and surely this could all have been avoided?
cause these rules are wrongly applied
really? but these same rules have been there the last 4/5 years and theres been no problems?
i mean they should only be applied when a team really played active together with 4 nc players
ET is not that active anymore imo... so, why wont let good players play for their nation. -.-

Yet, why admins didnt check this earlier ? when, they announced teams ? pretty funny that other players must do admins work ;)

even with my awesome english... #Care. :d
mate, there was admins on most of those matches who allowed the games to be played. Closing the stable door after the horse has bolted springs to mind...fucking fiasco..
Man you are really annoying. Don't you get it.

Komar on 09/03/09, 19:53:33 Del | Edit | Reply

Croatia only calisto, gmx and myself were active in last years ec, we had permission for frozzen to play ( he was only a member during ec, playing oc with sth ) but we didn't even know that suvi was in the clan for a couple of hours during december ( that's why we got k1cked ) and we forgot to ask for permission.

Poland got permission for n00n and naga to play ( both were in k1ck but not playing any offis
tekoa didn't play any offis for dnan in ec and he was listed as in inactive

they had 5 players in a 3on3 team

All 3 cases are ridiculous.

2 cases were players weren't even active after 29th of september and the 3on3 team is my favorite.
sorry i annoy you. lol.

"Poland got permission for n00n and naga to play" why didnt your team do the same? think you were above rules? or just couldnt be bothered? either way, unlucky.
cause we forgot that he was in the clan for 5hours...we asked for frozzen why would it be a prob to ask for him also?
you tell me, i wasnt there :D
well i guess NL is used to it anyway 8D
i think cb admins are getting paid to fuck everything up
clownbase pwned ! :DDDDDD
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