Webhosting :O

I'm getting paid to make a site for one of my dads friends, only a about 30 quid or whatever but still money is money.
I'm using x10 at the moment cos I'd rather not pay but it's unreliable as hell.

Does anyone know any good hosting for free thats very reliable or for a very cheap price?
(Needs MySQL and preferably CPanel).
ycn don't offer mysql or cpanel
image: websiteh

Anyway, if I'm wrong, www.gameservers.com also provides websites with cpanel and mysql (price can be high)
oh yeah, sorry, mixed it up with something else

however seems a little on the featureless side... more for people who need to host a random ftp rather than actual websites
x11 here
ultimate-quest were fairly cheap for what you got if i recall correctly, although if you were buying it just for this I'm not sure if it'd be worth it.. haven't shopped around for webhosting in quite a while

also long time no see novi!
Is UQ even still around? I heard they sold it and the site seemed to go down for ages.
It turns out the guy I'm doing it for is willing to pay for the hosting too, aslong as its cheap.

Also Hallo Meez :D How you doing?
yeah they are still around, http://www.ultimatequest.co.uk/products/webhosting.html

ask about the guys needs, and check out what beggin posted below ( http://www.ovh.co.uk/individual/products/60gp.xml ) apart from that I've got nothing

and yeah I'm doing fine, still wasting too much time online though
ovh.co.uk...I got some yearly plan, around £15 I think

Oh btw, isn't YCN known for an unreliable, shitty service? Or were those journals deleted by customers for a reason?
to bo honest YCNn is too expensive in webspace issues

thats a fucking good deal if its as good as it sounds. no cpanel though... I wouldn't expect it at that price

how are you finding their service in general and the control panel? (no demo!) I'm tempted to get this.
There really is no need for cpanel because their own system is so much better. It has everything that cpanel would have. As I said in an earlier journal about their dedicated servers, their custom support is excellent and of course the service itself. I've had it for about 4 months now. I can show you some pictures of the control panel if you like.
I think I'll take your word for it. I think I might order it tonight. Can't go wrong at <£13/year and 20gb/mo bandwith.

And omg! python support! \o/
There are lot of hosting providers available.If you need cheap and reliable one,try Google search.In the same way i found Thewebpole.com Recently i hosted my website using this site.They have good server speed and provided good cpanel,MySQL support.I like their services.So only i would recommend this one.I hope it will be very useful to you.
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