Schoolshooting D: [Ger]

Old news i know but i just read on

Mario H., ein weiterer Klassenkamerad: „Er hat immer mit Geld um sich geworfen, um Freunde zu bekommen.“ Jedoch: „Er hat wenig Freunde gehabt.“ Was Tim gern spielte? Ballerspiele. Was er gern sah? Horrorfilme.

blablabla ...
What Tim like to play ? Shooter !
What Tim like to watch ? Horrormovies !

-> another schoolmasacre with a "videogame background" and stuff , which will end in a massbaning of random games in germany ;(

discuss , all you potential spreekiller !
just came home, -> "wtf"

this sux for all of their families!
ofc it sucks , its just stupid to point the finger on Videogames when the parents of the killer got 18 legal guns in their house.
quelle ... sagt doch alles, 10% wahrheit 90% dreckiger populismus

aber rip anyway :(
den smiley im topicnamen kannst dir auch sparn.
ich werd es für dich in "<~~~~(x_x)~~~ -===\\" um ändern.
He liked to play table tennis from the news reports over here, that will soon be banned
evil game idd!
care, there are dying plenty of africans day by day because a dictactor is killing them, somehow I never saw a journal about real problems :(
becoz they are black lols who cares.
this also happens in china and they are yellow, so lols who cares about whity's :(
was jokin :(

imagine a world without cotton
in hebrew we say

pictures from the event:

image: 610xo
Police officers stand on the roof of the Albertville school in Winnenden near Stuttgart, Germany, Wednesday, March 11, 2009. Police say a gunman dressed in a black combat uniform opened fire at a high school in southern Germany on Wednesday, killing at least 10 people and injuring others before fleeing the scene.

image: 610xc
German Special Police Forces leave the Albertville school in Winnenden near Stuttgart, Germany, Wednesday, March 11, 2009. Police say a gunman dressed in a black combat uniform opened fire at the high school in southern Germany on Wednesday, killing at least 10 people and injuring others before fleeing the scene.

image: 610xe
Policemen stand in front of the Albertville Realschule secondary school in Winnenden, southern Germany, where a shooting took place on March 11, 2009. A teenager in black combat gear went on the rampage at his former school, killing at least ten people before fleeing and sparking a major manhunt. Police said that several others were injured and that armed commandos with helicopters and dogs were hunting the 17-year-old gunman after he fled the secondary school near Stuttgart.

image: 610xewg
image: 610xq

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image: 010201460954000dpy

image: winnenden_neu_poliz_77phoq

image: winnenden_neu4_opfe_77vd2w
image: winnenden_neu4_opfe_77pe9m

now for my opinion D:
in most of this cases the shooter either kill himself or surrender
he perform what is called in police term "suicide by police"
and that means?
may their soul sealed in the seals of life ;s
there is a word that i dont know how to translate
i thought it meant:

shit happens

or lets say i expected it xd
no :X
its like rip
only more powerful :[
cant explain D:
i think that wasnt the victim covered by that blanket, it was a guy from the clinic nearby. well whatever
you might be right
there was no info about that picture :[

but it was in order after the special unit that shot him so i guess it was him
he shot himself
no he didnt
police shot him !!!
A school shooting happened here in Quebec a few years ago.
Some dude came into a school and started shooting random people.
He only killed one girl, which was his ex-girlfriend (that's what I heard), and wounded a few students before he shot himself.
Then of course, medias started blaming video games, horror movies, paintball etc, instead of blaming his parents.
mwahaha in russia noone cares about violent videogames
Echt traurig was da passiert ist. Und die Scheiße ist, die Bild Zeitung macht das ganze noch dramatischer und schlimmer.
bildzeitung, nette quelle

btw hab ich aus einer etwas seriöseren quelle, das er überhaupt nicht gezockt hat und auch selten im inet war
und ich wette mit dir, es wird trotzdem morgen anders in der bild stehen :(
darum lesen menschen mit einem iq über dem einer haselnuss auch keine bildzeitung.
er hatte ein community profil auf !!!
60% of all spreekillers play shooter games.
100% of all spreekillers eat breat!
Blame the bread!
lucky they dont eat humos :[
die bild zensiert nichtmal sein gesicht und veröffentlicht sogar den namen... hart
stimmt allerdings...sonst sind doch wenigstens diue augen zensiert, oder nicht?!
jep, ist normal eigentlich selbstverständlich, aber von datenschutz etc hält die bild anscheinend nichts. vom pressekodex anscheinend auch nicht.
deswegen lese ich die bild auch nie, höchstens im urlaub wenn´s nicht´s anderes da ist...
assiblattt...schlimm schlimm wenn manche leute sich das jeden tag reinziehen
wie du apostrophe benutzt, unglaublich. ganz zu schweigen von dem satz...

aber naja die deutsche sprachen kann sich ja nicht wehren ;)
flamed hier die apostrophensetzung und kann oben nicht mal populismus richtig schreiben - rofl. soviel zum thema deutsche sprache :DD
mmh? ich hab es richtig geschrieben rofl...
es ist 22:13 ich hatte 9 stunden schule. nun habe ich keine lust mich noch um sowas zu kümmern...tut mir leid...
war ja auch net als flame gedacht ^^
ja ja, das glaubst du doch selber nicht ;P
irgendwie wird das langsam normal :S
schlimme sache, bei mir auf der schule hat die palozei erst von 1-2 tagen bei einem das haus anch waffen durchsucht, der wasr/ist potentiell gefährdet und hat jetzt schon anzeigen...
echt traurig.
jo..scheint was "modisch" zu sein, amok zu laufen..
klar morgen wirds auf killerspiele geschoben, statt mal wirkl. was zu machen
genau, die politiker sagen, die kilelrspiele sind shculd, aber auf die wirklichen probleme wie familie doer schule, lassen sie sich nciht ein :[ traurig...
rumours go it was kenta.
Germans -> even those 65 years didn't change a shit there ...
nice conclusion.. :<
His father had 17 weapons @ home...
+he had some Softair/Paintball guns... dont blame Videogames... Blame his parents and the ppl who think that schooting is a sport
well, shooting is a nice sport and fun if handled as a sport.
like I said in the other journal
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