
can't sleep wtf? Went my bed @ 23:00 :i

im tired but i can't sleep :i

halp plz :<
dryhump pillow til you cant feel your ears
same here lol :D:D
went to bed at 23.20 and its 02.20 now -.-
ask for a chat with perfo, he became somekind of nightcreature, at nights he goes hunting, during the day he sleeps...
Perfo doesn´t sleep. He waits.

E: Or was it cuttyP nowadays.
perfo is so 2k8, cuttyP is in nowadays! :D
read something boring
idoser !
drunk ur seöf nice!
00:38 here
Went my bed @ 23:00 :i ------- did you mean wet your bed [url][/url]
just woke up, and need to go school again after 2 weeks
i had an nightmare...that theres an 3rd war but vs aliens, and i got kidnapped, and then brought back by heli, and i see all the disaster that happened, aliens with hands that can shock, and some with saw, and i remember all the blood, and how we still had school, and we were all in one place, waiting for everything to relax, shit...
you have to give up those pills, they're destroying your brain!
same at me only slept 2 hours. its always the same to me, if the "moon is full". no joke.
I'll give you a cookie this evening :P
sorta for me too, few days ago I went to bed at 00.00, lied there until 1 a.m, went to the living room, fell asleep at 1.30, woke up every hour or so
get a girlfriend and wont be a problem :))))
cant sleep ? have a wank
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