Resident Evil 5!!!

I just got it and it PWNS!!!!!!
now im going to own some nigga ass 8]
thx for info and bb
thx for info and bb
what about killzone 2? x]
never heard :D
its new afaik, but i didnt hear anything about it yet, like to know if its any good :P
i just watched trailer, it looks good ;]
Played the demo and it sucked bad. FPS & Consoles are instafail!
just ordered it :/
try not to run amok
sweet shit, will get it later today
played the demo allot, its pretty good ...
killzone 2 and new resident..awesome games
Got it and played multiplayer in veteran difficult(its hard!) with a friend, got pretty far, waiting for weekend to finish it :P
The gameplay is the same as RE4 but a little tweaked
come oon, im getting raped @ easy =(.
but im playing alone so that makes it kinda hard because shyna is an idiot :P.
ye, its hard i have to give orders all the time to my friends cus he is bad at aiming games Lol, but somehow managed to pass the levels, with low ammo and inventory space XD
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