
I guess you have heard all of the gun rampage in amercia and in germany yesterday.

I just watched N-TV in german television and they were talking about that the night before the murderer wrote in a forum that he is gonna do this gun rampage the next day. There were 1-2 guys replying at that forumpost and they didnt call the police or something.

my question is: what would you do if you were reading something like an announcement to a gun rampage on crossfire ?

would you take it serious ?
would you laugh ?
agree with the person (for fun) ?
call the police ?
show it your parents or friends ?
would you write a comment ? call an admin?

just want to know what you would do...seriously
a)call admin, admin calls police, police kills him
b) care & laugh

[ger] hat uns unser infolehrer heut au gefragt btw.
meinte wir sollen das erstma jemandem zeigen und so[/ger]
you can call me :~>
[ger] ich würde auf jedenfall die nachricht jemandem zeigen...bei uns an der shcule worden auch vor nen paar tagen zei schüler(die häuser) vom sek durchsucht....also wie die situation im moment ist, wüprde ich jedenfalls mal die polizei verständigen...[ger]
I guess it'd be deleted fast.
It will get deleted by an admin, c'mon its CF.
+ Warning points
This guy was skilled in Counter-Strike!
dunno what I would do. I wouldnt take it serious probably
He was also mentally ill, atleast thats what i read on the dutch sites :P
Who cares about his mental condition. HE PLAYED GAME WHERE HE WAS SHOOTING TO EACH OTHER! Games are rly evil :(
Next rampage - ET player D:
Im quite suprised that all those retards only played GTA and CS ( as far as i know)
I remember case where guy sliced other one in half with a chainsaw because he didnt returned e-cash in Tibia
wtf o0 did not know about that one though.
I saw photos, that was sick :x
Parent ;o
Nah, cant remember what site that was. I would like to erase it from my mind :<
perfos bro incoming!
laugh lols and give him tips, crouch, put strike 2 sec before spawn etc.. its zeh internetz, look look, tommorow i'm gonna kill 6,000,000 jews and a clown!
Why the jews?
he hates his own country
well, the jews cause i wont fly to somewhere else to kill ppl! ill do it somewhere close! lazy ass ;~)
Indeedz, but be aware of the clown i heard they are dangerous!
np, waiting for charge to put strike!
Why the clown

"Nobody asks bout the jews"
a zero and negativefivehundredninetynine clowns to many :-\
i would think it is another joke
i would give him advices how to perform a better rampage :[
1 - Not rly
2 - Maybe laugh at the guy for writing something that idiotic
3 - Nah
4 - Nope
5 - Maybe ( probly not )
6 - Woudlnt waste my time on idiots
depends who writes it :D
I would fucking hide if mAus or Relo4d would write it.
i'd run for the hills if gnajda would.
:DDDDD nice cmmt
haha idd ;D reload would kill atleast over 9000
You can't take people seriously on the internet..and especially on CF.
ask him to go rampage on something more meaningfull and give suggestions on what and then call admin.
or give him directions to CB HQ :D
It’d very much depend on the poster & the nature of the post.

If it was from a poster you’d not expect such comments from, ‘n it didn’t appear to be a windup / joke – first reaction would probably be to get them on vent, if not possible look for contact details, home phone see if there’s any parents / flatmates in. Beyond that, fook knows. If it appeared genuine (how the hell you quantify that?) I’d have no issue calling the po-lice.

Though the good people of Crossfire are all sane, mature & well adjusted adults – so we’ll never have this problem !!!
yea right
take him on vent


i will call the shabac on the spot
The apparent post by this guy was made the night before. What better way to check the veracity of their intention than talk to them?
now plz tell me mr.Nellie
since you have so much experience in dealing with these situations, what exactly are you going to say
to a guy
who is
dozens of kids
at his school

plz, in case we might get into this situation, i want to listen from an expert
Where did I say that? Never suggested I’m offering Nellie’s counselling service… but I’d at least want to be as sure as is possible it’s not a windup before ringing the fuzz. You don’t need a psychology degree to tell when someone’s feeling down, or when someone’s taking the piss.

but its not your job to do it
you can only make things worse

you must understand that im not against you, i just dont want ppl to think they can work this out by themself

you must let professionals dealing those stuff !!!

its not like you are talking with a guy that failed at an exam
or his gf dump him
You’ve just said we’ve a guy intent on shooting dozens of kids, how the hell do I make that worse?:)))

So you think I should’ve rang the police about anzz’s journal? We’re gonna waste a hell of a lotta police time if we’re reporting every post that’s appears to show a person go nuts – all the windups...

(‘n there’s plenty that’ve committed suicide after losing a girl or failing exams, that destructive attitude coupled with easy access to a gun – yipes!)
if i see a guy open a journal with disturb contact
i would contact the local police with a photo
you know why?
because its my duty as a citizen
You can go to jail for wasting police time you know.
no you cant go to jail
max, spend few hours in police station
no one will arrest you for being security aware

and thats why i said you should give a photo of the thread
You're ignoring the context of the poster ^^

Anyone external to Crossfire could've read anzz's journal and thought "shit!" - would they be right to report that thread to the police?
i already did :D
“i just dont want ppl to think they can work this out by themselves”

Of course… you’ve misunderstood, or I’ve worded it wrongly. The vent thing was a suggestion at finding out the veracity (i.e. the truthfulness) of any post. You might not be able to tell if someone’s seriously going to do something like that, or stop them, but you should be able to tell if someone’s on a windup…

See the other suggestion, ringing a parent if possible (and you’re fairly sure it’s not fake) would prolly be best.
what if his parents are not home :~D

dont take any risks
police !
Dear Nellie,

as of recently this fucked up world really doesnt make any sense. Ive been spending my last days on this miserable planet perfecting my laser of death:

I've been counting down the days till cc6 and hope to pew pew pew you and jaka and all the other sick faggots of xfire @ LAN.

yours truely,
If someone from Anonymous loekinos love island would write it, then I would take it fucking serious. They fit in the category somehow.
would agree with him (not for fun)
what is with the pepsi? i think the pepsi becomes chuck norris....
i already read somewhere that it's a (indeed bad) fake by some guys who host that forum and changed the date and time of the post etc...
Was it a gaming forum?
Parent comments
Rofl that's amazing that people of such a high profile site would actually fake sth like that... "Bilder oder nie passiert" already sounds so weird, I mean who the fuck says that on any forum. Sounds credible that it's faked, would like to know what happens to the admins tho :D
Probably inform the police of the poster's country unless there's a serious chance of it really happening.
If you call the police and if they check it and IF it´s not true, you have the assurance that it is not true! safe is safe....(sorry bad english)
we need a crossfire anti school massacre special force
[ger]internetchat von Winnenden

Tim K. kündigte in einem Internetchat die Tat an - um 2.46 Uhr in der Nacht zum Mittwoch und nur wenige Stunden bevor er an der Albertville-Realschule in Winnenden den Amoklauf startete: "Sch.... Bernd es reicht mir. Ich habe dieses Lotterleben satt. Immer dasselbe. Alle lachen mich aus, niemand erkennt mein Potential. Ich meine es ernst. Ich habe Waffen hier. Ich werde morgen an meine Schule gehen und so richtig gepflegt grillen. Ihr werdet morgen von mir hören. Merkt euch den Namen des Ortes Winnenden", schrieb er. Doch sein Gesprächpartner reagierte nur mit *LOL* - der Abkürzung für herzliches Gelächter.

thats the text in german ofc...
i think i wouldnt take it serious and write no comment

"Fuck Bernd, its enough. I'm sick of that lonely life. Everybody is laughing at me, and nobody is seeing my potential. I'm serious. I've got weapons here. Tomorrow i'll go to my school and "grill". You will hear from me. Remember the name of the town "Winnenden"."
Translate! Only heard a lill on the radio...
+ someone replied with "LOL"
lough and give him advises like "use aimbot" "switch on ur god mod"
One guy from our school was @ police interrogation from a joke @ some website ;x
The police takes those threats very seriously in Finland because of the 2 schoolmurders :x
Eventhough the school massacre posts/videos are mostly "jokes" they need to be taken seriously. If I saw a thread like that I would tell about it to the cops because it's the right thing to do. Depends much on the nature of the post tho :p
Official statement
Tomorrow i'll go to my university and "grill". You will hear from me. Remember the name of the city "Moscow".
I don't care if you call police since they will never find me here....
Mwahaha cu in the newsposts all over the world tomorrow
Official statement
Tomorrow i'll go to my server and "grill". You will hear from me. Remember the name of the map "Supplydepot".
I don't care if you call EvenBalance since they will never find me here....
Mwahaha cu in the journals all over the crossfire tomorrow
sooo extraordinary cruelty
I'd offer them support in return for a shoutout on international TV.
maybe its a rly retarded and not mature comment but i had to laugh
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