last day @

yeah finally i have my last day at work. we will drink a bit and eat some cakes and some fruits(cause they r fat here, so i bought some fruits aswell)
i wont work that much today... :P! happy when its over!

then me has 2 weeks hols and after that ill start fresh in the new company.. im so happy and rly proud of my self that i did it all right! ;)so toonite and tomorrow big parties planned allrdy.. and maybe some ggs at weekend. boooya!!!°

have a nice day and a good start in the weekend! :D greeetz2all <3

image: wassertropfen360x360
wishing you nice day too! :)
Have a nice last day, and kick ur old boss in the nuts (im übertragenen sinne, is ja ne frau :P)
have a nice day and party hard !!

image: party_hard_cat2
have a nice last day sweetie :) wuhu u almost made it there \o/ <3
Get crunk \m/

image: 120px-Party_hard_IAN
i'd hate to be epileptic bout now :D
Would be awesome : D
gratz :)
Quotethen me has 2 weeks hols

mine is at the end of april :'( whish me good luck cuteseh!
goood luck sexy ;)
What's your job?
tax advisor assistant atm but will change a bit. then me is doing general ledger and accounting for one company.
thx kartoffel!!!!!

nah i just took my current one with me :p
Steven McTowelie ?
told u to keep it secret :(
gl in the new job!
same to u and hf :)
oh reallife talks always nice too read on crossfire i love it im now 2 at work funny too read lolzzz
have a nice day schnee :)
have a nice day and party , tomorrow i will go home from this shit (hospital)

edit: but my balls are allright already :) but i cant walk yet
"cause they r fat here, so i bought some fruits aswell" lolled <3

have a nice holliday :)
hey wish you a nice last working day :D and a good start at the new place,
i'm glad that its finally weekend :D just two hours of bioinformatics remaining !

haha we at crossfire are proud of you too!

must feel amazing to be skinny and be around fat people all day long.. i would feel superior : P

where are you going to work now exactly?

*Yeah it finally happened! the day i can walk outside in my t-shirt without being like Ew its cold:/
best day of this year so far tbh: P
give them some free fitness tickets aswell, they need it
lets do it
lets do it now baby!!!!
random pic, delete spamjournal
its my last day at being 17!
thats so disgusting.. :/
do you want it @ cc6 i stay there im gonna sell it
hf :)
next week michael mayer whole night long in amsterdam :)
gl dear schnee
HF @ last day schnee :P
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