New Sixth-Sense Technology

A genius team at MIT takes us one step closer to living in Minority Report by creating a finger-controlled phone/3-D projector. Skip to 2:05 if you don't have much time.

QuotebNoo on 28/12/08, 11:34:52 PM | Reply

Get a life nerds ET suxx so uK suxx so THE name suxx so so so what so?

haha lol
Hello guys need a nice config can you post some nice screens?

to poor to make your own?

wow, kinda sick
wow, kinda sick shit
cool where can i get mine??
i dont have much time, im skipping to 2:05!!!!!
What a bullshit
funny thing I am watching minority report just now
This thing is just marvellous :D

The clock thing and the news thing was just amazing!
thing thing thing
Pretty cool. The speaker was annoying as hell, though. Ehhehh.
i cant really watch it now (@school), but im fucking curious about it so tell me what you see!
Wow, sick :D
its even be possible to "hack" the pictures you actually see with your eyes and add for example the informations you need in your view, which the brain creates, without the projector
Gonna save this for later!
plz guys tell me what you c in this vid :<
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