unknown windows API function 131131

unknown windows API function 131131

Im keep getting kicked for this for some reason, never had it before untill i started ET 10 mins ago o.0

Im using windows XP.

How to remove it?;x
lol i thought its a vista bug.. i mostly get it when vid_restarting or minimize @vista

never had it @xp
start et first be4 you run your multihack
tried, but failed
like beasty said its a known vista bug ... checked your recently installed software ?
but i dont have vista:) i got XP
Too many copies of my config in your ET-map.
I thought the same as beAsty,

Dunnow for Windows XP :S
same here with vista 32 bit ultimate!
so, how do you play ET then?
i dont vid_Restart! and im using miniz0r!
Too many copies of newbjes config in your ET-map.
Too many copies of some random idiot who fails to be funny in your ET-map.
update pb or video drivers or run ET as administrator smth like that..
17:07 @isENxL • omfg
17:07 @isENxL • its cheats
17:07 @isENxL • removed them
17:07 @isENxL • and works again
17:07 @isENxL • ;o
17:07 @isENxL • wrong chan
17:09 @newbJe • :O
XD dont post it here!! pssttt
anything open that occupies the gfx card besides ET?
yea, windows (just here again to spam your inbox ;) )
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