old pc...

i am having some problems with my pc lately...
when i play music or movies, the sound and video's lags like hell! mostly at the beginning.
when i open my taskscreen and check my cpu use, it shows a 100% cpu use during this lag. i am also having difficulties reaching a stable fps in ET (its usually 10-50... with an exceptional peak to 71 (maxfps).)

some specs:

CPU: Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.66GHz
HD: 80 GB
Sound: SoundMAX Digital Audio
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce4 MX 440 with AGP8X (Dell
Memory: 2048MB RAM
motherboard: ??????????

what would be the best option for me? (keep in mind that my financial recources are limited plz)

1. use some relatively cheap parts to update your PC (+ give some suggestions plz)
2. buy a new pc, cuz saving this one is impossible...

i need a pc that can handle:
- ET at stable 125 fps
- high quality movies
- Photoshop and Illustrator
- 3D programs like Cinema4D/Maya/ProEngineer/Solidworks2009

which parts should be enough and in what price range should i expect a new pc for this?
steal pc

go make a lan with some geeks you dont like. Then give them some cola or alcohol and make them drunk. Wait until they sleep and open their pc's. "take" the gfc cards, rams..wateva and voila :) new pc np
cu @ cc6! mowhahahah (evilish laugh!)
2bad i wont bring my pc withme :)
profile :

125fps everywhere and no fps drops due to pb
maybe if your motherboard supports 775, you can buy some cheap duo, and upgrading your gfx to ~8500GT / 9500GT
else, just save for new pc, it's pretty cheap getting an nice pc that will get you to play ET very nice, and watching video aswell
I also have a pc with a mx440 in it! oldschool card :)
<3, mx400 here
nothing you can do.... to upgrade anything you will need a new motherboard and then you old CPU might not fit, the RAM could not be supported and you have to change from AGP to PCIe for gfx.
save some money and buy mb, ram, gfx and cpu.
sould be around 300€ for a core2duo, p45-chipset mb and 4gb decent ram
another 200€ and you got a nice gfx card.
so.. kick this old pc in the nuts and buy a new one?
AMD ATHLON 64 X2 5600+ 2.80GZ AM2 BOX 66E
OCZ OCZ2V8002G 2GB DDR2 PC2-6400 VALUE SERIES 18.80 &#8364;
Premier Hi Flow 450W

this was the pc i was supposed to build a month ago, best parts
^how much do you pay for the parts ?
prices are included in my post
je hebt best nog een nice PC voor ET je moet alleen ff newvidcard halen ;)
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