Hai guise,
i need a nice "blackish" windows xp theme with cool icons n stuff, should work with styleXP, too lazy to brows all the crap on those theme sites.

And i have another problem:
I have unstable 125 fps with this pc:
AMD Phenom II 940 4 x 3.0 Ghz
GeForce 8500 gt 512 MB (temporary cause my HD 4850 1gb was dead on arrival)
4 gb ram
modus cfg @ r_mode 6, picmip 3
How is that possible?

image: halp-i-not-cheezburger
Someone wants to eat you?
congratz to your new system! too bad the gpu is dead -.-
disable threaded optimization @nvidia control panel
what about if someone has an ati gfx card?
QuoteGeForce 8500 gt 512 MB (temporary cause my HD 4850 1gb was dead on arrival)
im not blind.

i asked what to do if someone has an ATi gfx card instead of Nvidia.

someone once gave an advice what to do against the fps lags if you have an ati.
get an nvidia card ::::D
sorry i don't know of a better advice >:)
thas was no advice, it was loly behavior :p
disable catalyst a.i.
delete r_lastvalidrenderer from etmain/../etconfig.cfg & etpro/../etconfig.cfg
No clue about the unstable fps thingy, i also got fps spikes sometimes, PC specs in my profile
xfire or threaded optimization or maybe the am dual core optimizer missing, but dunno if they use it for phenoms, you can check on www.amd.com
lol i got a amd phenom x4 9500 and i get 125 fps stable on almost every map xD
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