USB disconnects...

i have an anoying problem and it's really unplayable. I am used to play on laptop, so i decided to use keyboard and mouse connected via USB - (more comfortable).
..few weeks ago i noticed that my USB's are disconnecting for few seconds.. it's annoying because it disconnect (mouse and keyboard) always when i am in important situation... i can't find where the problem is.

If anyone had already some kinda of problem,,, please write it here. Thanks.
it's not cable... bcoz it disconnect for mouse and keyboard.
bad luck !!!
mainboard, sth with power maybe ask CuttyP;]
u cant aim even without this problems!
Although I thought it was not the cable, unfortunately it is. I have the same problem, my Razer mouse started flashing and then my keyboard wouldn't response. However if I use only my keyboard it works perfect. It's a cable problem wither from your keyboard or mouse so better take a look. I for once don't have a screwdriver that small atm so I'm stuck with a touchpad and a small gay laptop keyboard.
Thanks for the info. I will take a look.
maybe because you are using the at the same time.. because i play on laptop and never have problems with usb mouse..
Quotei'll show u later
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