wolfenstein players

I was browsing a wolfenstein server list and this is all i could find:

are there really only 200 ppl playing the pc mp? all servers with 2 ppl on them are empty so i didnt count them ... Or is this serverlist just not complete?
no.. the game is dead!
what kirurG1 said ^^
game is dead!!might buy it when it is 10 euro though!! :D
what kirurG1 said ^^
waiting for Israelpala's explanation
cant find dignitas server which is being advertised everywhere so im still hoping some servers somehow dont turn up on this list.
quite a lot actually

but it is only because it's not for free, like ET

ET players would never pay money for games

if Wolfenstein MP would be free, there would be over 9000 players playing it
much like etqw, you'd have to pay me to play that game
you just hate wolfenstein because its not ET just like you hated morrowind and mirrors edge you faggot
I will buy StarCraft2 !
you're breakin ma bawls man
not true, its no problem for me to buy a game when it has the same gameplay as in et, but wolfenstein gameplay has nearby nothing to do with et, why should i buy s.th. like CoD when i totally dislike such games?
still havent recieved my game :c
yeah, was also argumenting to myself the games hasnt been released in europe for a long time, but even at US peak times there are hardly 200 ppl playing (you have to substract 2 players from every server as somehow it starts counting at two when it should be zero, most servers allow for more people to join than there can actually play so ppl are forced to spec till a spot comes free, so the actual number of playes should be even lower)
dont, its gay

or just

vafan kulo mama u cazzo fail


p.s its nice to see me in your achievement list again haha
will be released on 21st of august, so you'll still have to wait 5 months :D
ET foever
kinda expected tbh..
i just cant believe theres so few people playign it, almost as if not all servers are showing up. If there's really only 200 people playing it, i really see no need to make a mod and fix the unfixable.
theres probably more than that shows but yeah its not much

and making the better mod is not bad, its still a better game and atleast I personally play the game if its good, not if it has big community or not
goddamned Im downloading ET (250KB/s that can take some time) again but I cant find my Config :(!!!!!!!!!!!!!
always save a back-up in your email :D
in my email omg lolZ0R

The player count is going up everyday since the WolfPro screenshots and info. Just wait till the first WolfPro beta is released and id patch the game up, then we will be talking :)
It'd better increase exponantially..
sounds about right
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