Wolfenstein crash

Hi guys

I bought wolfenstein just a second ago, installed it and I am able to play single player (at all settings high, so it isnt my computer). But however, when i want to play multiplayer, it crashes when I get the wolfenstein loading screen... It just goes to desktop... (i wasnt able to play the beta version either)

Anyone have an idea?

Thanks in advance
HARDWARE BANNED =))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
no error message?
Nope... Nothing... :<
check your windows event log/viewer for errors
be glad
Wolfenstein sux :)
u rly know which kind of community this is?
Ye i know rand0m nub only ET is nice :)
my game crashed every time at the tesla map,maybe a mapbug or smth like this!
meh, tesla works just fine, it's just the anti-rambo feature preventing you from playing it:DDDDDD
my first impressions werent great either, laggy game and stuff, however when i updated all of my drivers, checked for an etqw i liked the game a bit more

then my game crashed too, got new config for it with very low graphs and works quite fine now

try some of these steps, maybe it could be usefull :)

update your drivers.
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