Favorite Stage to defend?

What is your favorite stage to defend in ET and why do you like it?

For example stage 1 on supply, west radar parts in radar, and so on.

Tell me what your favorite stage is and why do you like it so much
all stage at supply, delivery and adlernest <3
grush, all stages cuz it just requires a lot of teamplay
peach castle, the bowser part is hardest
as axis at transmitter on delivery/frost when allies have docs =)
missile_b2, stage 2(defending CP/docs)

you can get the best crossfire ;)

radar, stage 1

it may not last long, but the first spawn is awesome as a fops(defending side)
b4 sidegate with mg42

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oh wait..
Frostbite, Docs
supply&b4 1st stage, cuz dno..enemies are easy to find/spot maybe
and frost docs-service door ofc
+radar if there was mg:/
supply up just like it because shortrange combat>all
delivery when allies spawn and go thru cave cuz izi kills+button @ deliv

and upstairs @ supply

and missile_b2 1st part lyk the side way where they push to get flag
u can get easy owned everytime if u go up thru the cave :D
i mean if i defend ,i like to kill ppl that are going caveway very izi picks ,but i might get izily picked of by rifle or w/e too ,its a fun spot :)

E:u dotn stay inside the cave,you stay like @ metal footwalk near ladder or w/e
hmmm mine would be Bremen truck part
B4 1st stage. CC ftw. :D
etbeach as axis sniper
supply 1st stage
blown main gate @ radar
MaStEr oF BreMeN reporting in.

cp stage of bremen. seriously. I'm yet to meet an opponent that I haven't pissed off there.
delivery second stage at button, bcoz i love to see thru the walls!
supply first stage, im a tunnel camper.
CP stage of bremen, playing with sebastian, azi lamp etc is great
up top main on sp. cause the allies just plow through and run straight into my bullets :D

service on frostbite, corner camping near docs as a rifle. all bunched up in a little spot
as axis: defending the cp on radar
as allies: every map <3 just luve it to attack
grush for sure!
1 stage at adler cuz we own there and on the other stage's tooooo:o

big-gaming is adlerPRO!!
Goldrush last stage, Radar last stage, and Supply (All stages).
grush bankyard defence - 3rd spawn arch

supply after the flag is capped - caverock / west

bremen first stage - wandering in the ruins :o
Def at first stage of Frostbite 8DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
delivery button room cause iam a noob
Docs and transmitter @ Frostbite
the pokemon league (gold version). just because you can train well there.
delivery first as allies, because i can snipe!
sw_oasis_b3 last stage defense with rifle.

Countless ways of annoying your enemies with riflegrenades! :D
definitely radar last stage
-supply first and last stage with rnade i love that.

-radar CP stage with rnade and last stage are awesome.

-grush first stage with rnade and bank defence.

those are my favorites <3
Every stage of Supply and Radar.
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