Best Gamer

Today, the 25th of August, Thomas 'Meez' Mees, AKA BenGibbard, turns 18.

"Professional" ET player, "K33N" COD4 Player, aswell as "MR TEAM PLAYER" in CSS, and casual player of HoN, RoN, and Starcraft on-top of Touhou - he surely lacks no Ambition.

This guru of games has now lived out around 6573.6 6575 (THANKS MEEZ, cunt.) days of his life, pretty darn close to gamerscore. It goes without saying that the numerous ginger girlfriends, and numerous drunkard nights aswell as walking into doorframes on an average morning have all been nothing compared to this day.

Happy Birthday Meez!

image: 2im54ko

Noodle's Present:

image: 435_rubiksCake
happy birthday

image: Sideways_moonwalk

I got id'd at asda about an hour ago. Was pretty ace. Whipped out my provisional license. She was gutted. Also, my physics teacher bought me a pint! Pretty chuffed.

also it's 6575 days, lrn2maths
1 year = 365.242199 days

x 18

no, a year is 365 days. a leap year is 366 days. count it up and it's 6575.
Only an estimate, jesus!
nice set

hb cracker
FO Scarzy fucking 12 year old.
hb meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez
I'm wide awake, it's morning
I have my drugs, I have my woman
They keep away my loneliness
Laura, you were the saddest song
In the shape of a woman
Yeah, I thought you were beautiful
But I wept with your movements
But I hope that you're laughing now from that place on the carpet
Where we shared a sleeping bag in your sister's apartment
Goddamn the black night with all its foul temptations
Anonymous ivebecomewhatialwayshated
When I was with you then

We looked like giants
In the back of my grey sub-compact
Fumbling to make contact as the others slept inside
gnight xxxxxxxxxx
database loss contribution awards etc etc etc
I like noodles present.

Great damn birthday lovely <3
happy birthday best friend :)
Happy birthday, nerd.
Happy Birthday. But 18 already? thought it was 14
hb 8)

so fucking keen
Happy Birthday
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