R.I.P. corsa

yesterday it was a pretty hot day and i went with some friends to Germany Nuremberg, where we bought a new waterpipe for the summer. after an hour i drove back with my ludenmobil, dropped them @ their homes and was on my way to my place and suddenly it smelled kinda weirdly burned, kind of a smell you smell on the streets from time to time, dno if it was my car, thought no..50 metres later i noticed some white smoke comin out of my engine hood and was liek "**** get out of this car, its gna explode and im dead liek United States of Americajacko", so i went out and heard a fizzling for 10 minutes while the smoke was already gone after a few. so i called an engineer and he arrived after having smoked a cigarette and checked some things and saw the waterthingie is empty so he opened it and theres liek much pressure so he said "run forrest run" and i ran forrest ran..so well nothing happened and i had to drive to their garage with heating on top and it was already 30°C anyways so i was kinda dying and after arriving he told me they could repair the head gasket for 500, but its not sure wether the motor is broke anyways so the 500 could be for nothing, cuz the motor is more worth than the car:<
and since 4-5 weeks i already wanted to sell the car but was on holidays for 2 weeks and then there was some partying week and then i was ill and then my father aka the official owner was on holidays, so now i got 1-1.5k less money available for my new car and all the ones in this priceclass look like shit, so atm i think about buying the one in the not so random pic, but you can give me some alternatives for up to 5.5k euro, but i wont by the bmw3 cuz it hasnt got enough hp, i want at least 125...prolly noones gna read it anyways cuz its kinda 2l2r, but i felt i owe this last respect to my car and felt like to share it here

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what dunZ said
jsutt passed my driving test 20 mins agooo yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :D
so old for me cunt
Go Jake \o/
congrats, how many minors?
only got 6 minors :)
try to get a seat leon for about 5k. they are pretty nice and imo they are cheap at the versicherung.
not rly lookin for a "kleinwagen", but ill think about it, if i cant get the saab
ah you prefer a limousine?
did a testride with one 118ps..even my corsa accels faster
e: not..was the 318
e2: prolly eating liek 12l+too old
lol :p
e38 = 7er
nen 728i (relativ niedrige unterhaltskosten) holen und bei anständiger fahrweise könnens auch mal 9l/100km sein :)
mit nem diesel vll :p
ich bin hauptsächlich innerorts unterwegs :s
aber sieht fürs alter eig ganz nice aus, hab da einen mit weißem leder in der nähe für 4.1 gefunden..vll dreh ich ja mal ne runde..wenn er sein wert net ganz so schnell fällt und net vorm wiederverkauf damit droht den löffel abzugeben..wb btw<:
9l sind auch ohne diesel möglich :P

naja hab ma hier -> http://www.7-forum.com/forum/bmw-7er-modelle/bmw-7er-modell-e38/ ne pdf datei gesehen was man vor dem kauf am wagen anguckn muss
peugeot 106 or whateva :DDD
RIP shit car
who is corsa, what a shitty nickname that is
are u serious?

so u never heard of Opel Corsa?
i have and im just joking ;)
My parents also had a corsa when they started living together, but that on a side note
now they drive ferrari i guess :D
volvo v70 :>
thx, forgot bout those cars..only polo&golf in an area of 100km tho
np - sometimes they have some nice cars.
ye, arent there sometimes 'auktionen' with 100 cars? you know how to find out where and when?
probier mal www.autorola.de

der vorteil bei vebeg.de ist dass du dir relativ sicher sein kannst dass die angaben auch stimmen.

p.s. aber vorher unbedingt anschauen - am besten mit jemanden der plan davon hat ;)

btw: schau dir den renault laguna ab 2004 mal an - bekommt man jetzt schon ziemlich günstig und die motoren halten bei renault i.d.R. ne halbe ewigkeit.
ps und größe sind auch ok - design ist halt ne geschmackssache.

if the saab dies aswell, it will be very expensive to repair ;)
take a ford mondeo,fits into ur budget and got enough power...otherwise buy a corrado g60 and destroy dreams of porsche drivers like me :D
saabs never die!
and if it does, ill think about a corrado
my opel corsa is still working fine.. never had any problem with it!
corsas are true beasts
true that dude !
500€ for changing the cylinderhead gasket is a bit too much imo :D

it takes somewhere around an hour to change (50-100€), new gasket ~20€, new cylinderhead bolts ~20€, new waterpump ~25-60€ (depends on engine size, amount of valves etc. shit) to prevent this happening again.

so ~150-250 euros to do this, BUT! your cylinder head is busted for sure, aluminium cylinder head cant take heat like cast iron ones.

so repairng cylinder head will be around 200-300 euros, so its not worth to do it, unless you can find used cylinder head, shouldn't be expensive.
Pointless spending any money on a corsa anyway LoL
But then again, a guy I used to work with spent £8000+ modifying his :D
i'm just saying that if you do the work by your self and you're able to find fitting cylinderhead, you can repair the car around 300-500€

so if you can sell the car with 1500, it's still worth of 1000-1200€

and always there's option to make it a time bomb, spend 100€ do some macgyver tricks and find a happy new owner, problem solved.
well, a friend of my father is engineer and he prolly would do this for the cost of materials only..or more or less only
since i want to sell it right away anyways not
if i get more money for the sell than the repairing costs..
Quotewhere we bought a new waterpipe for the summer

you need sth to do, when you go outside laying in the sun
isnt it liek almost autumn
say hello to global warming:>
too bad it wasnt you then
no saab omg -.-

audi a3
too small..thinkin bout a4 & a6, atm theres no a4 for this price avi tho
2 months ago i bought a peugeot 206 gti, 136 hp - it rox my sox
2 months ago i bought a peugeot 206 gti, 136 hp - it rox rocked my sox
had the same white smoke last week, but in my case it was a leak in the radiator. Costed me 210 euro to replace the radiator at the garage.

And I won't buy SAAB since it will cost you a lot when it's broken.
why btw? everyones sayin that
SAAB parts are expensive, and not every garage got the right tools for every SAAB (most is the same but sometimes they might need some special tools)

I noticed the same with my toyota celica '92, the radiator costed 160 euro while my friend payed 70 euro for his radiator (opal astra '96).
i think there wont be too much repairs during the time i got the car (only till i start 2 study @ university and move to the town of it, which will be in 1-2 yrs, since its my final yr @ school now and ill move asa i got money to pay the rent which will be most likely very soon after graduating) and if its altogether only 300 euro more dad&i can afford it..dont even think ill have more than one and heard this saabmodel is very reliable
well I've heard most saab models are reliable, but when something breaks it can be expensive. But if you only intend to use the car for max 2 yr and it's in good shape when you buy it then I can only say: Go for it!
could happen i fall in love with the car tho, then maybe id keep it:/
luckily i hated the corsa, otherwise id still be cryin tears
saab rules, true driver's car!
change the rims on it tho
punctuation - you can make it!
Corsa's overheat very easily, exact same thing happened to my mate when we went to the beach one day car overheated because of the sun heating the engine, steam started coming out of the bonnet then on the way home, luckily someone stopped gave us a 2 litre bottle of water filled the radiator and let it cool and we were fine, you obviously kept driving it with no water and blew the head gasget
yep, didnt look @ the heating scale :s was broken once, maybe it was also now
wat fährste auch opel, mein jung.
wohn in nem dorf in opelhand :p
umziehen, sofort!
nach der schule :s
125 hp? for what do u need 125hp? being cool?
or do u just want to hit a tree with more speed then with smth like 100hp?
cuz i want a limousine and testdrove an bmw 118hp, which was no fun & a saab 125hp, which was fun.
bmw 520 :) hf with it if u get it

5.500 EUR

210.000 km
100 kW / 136 PS
cars doesnt explode!
you got no tv? :OOOO
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