internet checker?

In my house, we are using 3 pc's and one laptop (wireless) on our router.
is there a way (external program maybe?) to check the internet activity for every pc on a certain moment?

image: 32553ba79fbecdf8df2e364a73e64e07
ctrl + alt + del

=> taskmanager => tab network? =)

do it on each pc and there you go =D
but that is just for my pc.. i want to see a list of everyone connected to our internet and their activity at the moment
well there are few (more expensive tho) routers which have this possibility

don't think it's really worth buying a new router for this...

as far as i know there is no software avi to do this
ye ive read about this sitecom router but i dont want to spend money on a new router for this. i was just hoping there was some software that could help me out. thnx
As far as I know, there're some open source router softwares which you could install on your router. Maybe they can do what you want.
I was using my old pc as a router (with freeBSD variation on it) in order to do things like that. Though normal routers which have something like that are quite expensive normally.

In theory it should be possible to log something like that if only you would act like a router (if it's just wired, I don't know how wireless works when it comes to arp) and do some arp-injection (or whatever it's called) but I doubt there are programs like that... but maybe I'm mistaken? Not sure
I'm guessing your a student and your housemates are chewing up your bandwidth yes?

There is no easy way. You would have to install bandwidth monitors on each computer.

Or... if you have a good router with some QoS shit I think you can check that way. Not sure though.
network bridge ? :X
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