Best ET Match?


I'm bored.

saevus vs insanity from ECX was pretty special
newfag here

afterlife vs snb
Like some lan matches of dignitas cus of the real deal, no hax :o)
Quote by -Max-saevus vs insanity from ECX was pretty special

can u give me a link (gtv prefered) of that match
there was another journal not long ago about the same :P but i will give my asnwer again :D the best ETmatch must be nSens against Kapow at SHGopen 2007 where we won 6-4 ;) it was such a awesome game where we had to play Cathedral even thou it wasnt supposed to be played =) because of that many desiders. go search on gamestv for the match im sure you will enjoy it!
yeah like 5 days ago
I made a journal about the best match available in GAMESTV.ORG
Any match with you in it is awesome mate.
Any match with you in it is awesome mate.
Is that movie coming out any time soon. (the one you were collecting demos, a community movie??)

Depends what you mean by soon. Before xmas? I imagine so :P
battle of best riflers around ? FUCK YEAH
doesnt matter which match but always good to see dignitas(old),dsky,gunslingers in the consol..
The tags alone give me a semi ^^
muse - overload (krea), cdc4, but for personal reasons :)

nc grand final with the legendary drago panzer
was nice game idd :D
ESL ET EMS Season II Final:

Germany mPg vs United Kingdom Impact Gaming

6 mapper in grand final with lower bracket impact gaming facing mpg. Check gtv over here: (both matches in one gtv match direclty after each other)
unfortunately gtv servers where disconnected by arni closing the game as he didnt expect the game to take 3+ hours :D

I've back then also written a review about the semi and grand final to be read here:

1000€ prizemoney btw
was boring tbh , impact raped them
sae vs ins ofc + =||= vs & (who remembers these tags? :P) and & vs rE
ironcross was one of the best clan for me at that time!
They sucked big time.
: o ok, it looks am braindamaged then :S
You are, it says so in your msn name =D
ahahahaha : D stalker!
parodia vs u96d

that one was nice tho
lottopanzer ruined the whole match
better team lost
was it the same match where Night and r3vers defused dynamite at radar maingate? :)
don't know, watch the replay @ gtv if interested
im asking because i think i watched it already some time ago.
if this is the match, then you are wrong saying parodia was better :)

edit, thats right:
Quoteand with the entire u96d team killed by the respawning parodia the plant looks sure to blow until, with just 6 seconds remaining, r3vers and Night charge through the teamdoor and dive on the dynamite, getting the defuse with only 2 seconds to spare.

United KingdomThe Last Resort vs United KingdomTeam Dignitas

CPC2 ftw
+1 on this one. Was epicly exciting.
Any Final with TosspoT shoutcasting ...
idle versus demiurge ofc :)
semifinal of EC - the one with riZe and team ND
No doubt. U96D vs Parodia

Epic on EVERY proportion
idle- demiurge
the final was on the other hand one of the most boring ones :)
the only interesting thing was jakazc safely securing the objective at the bottom of the canyon :D
You must be thinking about idle vs ND.
i think that you dont want watch demos of this match
Finland vs Belgium ( i forget which nc).

The one with the frankly awesome doc run on adler
snb - h2k etmasters lb half final

but just our [my :p] grush attack

greatest shit ever!!!111
saevus - infensus on oasis (dunno which competition)

dignitas - dsky on oasis (mega fullholds)
Myt vs e2
4 Maps :) Long
esl Winter Cup
GIGA TV match : aGu vs minus Gaming (intense match!)
and too epic for gtv link aswell I'm afrait^^
Crossfire.ATi vs idle
Crossfire.ATi vs KiH


The mess before they just left, the avi going round of the Crossfire team being raped on Battery, next to no practice – the Sanctity / gza fiasco, everything was setting up for a massive fail – then ReDeYe stepped up ‘n the boys done good (: toss cast + team you want to win + LAN = ET fairytale :p
awesome matches indeed! + the intensity of tosspot's shoutcasting was epic as well
8bts vs dNan
8bits vs snb

Forgetting h2k I presume? Where I single handedly made way for all you noobs and where I took control of the situation.

Pretty good match aswell.
oh ye, idd !
Deovolente vs reflect-gaming

SM-ligan 6on6

First 6on6 game I watched.
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