We need a poll 'What do you like most' Shrapmod or Wolfpro!

ps. Shrapmod looks more like ET. I will vote for that!
atleast wait till people have actually spent time playing them both first. ..
Nah – it’s healthy competition, not fight to the death – we needn’t stir the pot.

Q4Max & the yerman one showed how it should be done, let battle commence (:
"and the german one" - you can see who won that competition :P
[]havent tried/will not
[]havent tried/will not
why don't they jsut work together??? Surely that will be the best mod?
It doesnt take a rocket scientistto work it out :D
Why do people assume we are incapable of making the changes Shrap has done and vice versa?

They are looking different cause we both taking different approach, not because we cant do stuff he done and he cant do the stuff we have done.
I meant for ideas and stuff an extra brain in the mix might come up with some good ideas.
We take ideas from the public.
OK stop raging me and reply to my email!
Google market fundamentalism (:

The competition is good, it should mean we get a better product. Last thing we want is them to merge at this early stage ^^
-2 so the no is gone
I might actually buy wolf is the feedback is good from one of these mods. Might.
i have a pool , a swimming pool
I don't care so we don't need it
Great competition, reminds me of CoD4 with promod & the other mod Juszn made :)
we should still wait because it's realy laggy on w2 i everytime think that i have a 500+ ping but wolf2 shows 50 xD
shrapmod with wolfpro hud = win
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