b-u-l-l-s-h-i-t /ad killerboy news

how to be attention whore like killerboy? How to make everyone thinks you know what you do? mainly, you have to be an asslicker and get allowed to browse cb/cf ip's, even if it's dynamic or not. write a bullshit news without knowledge at all and title it "The List"

Killerboy is cheater, proof:
Quote05(151207:155807:154005) 05(14 [CB]Killerboy 05) i only tried out the 4.20
05(151207:155907:155005) 05(14 [CB]Killerboy 05) prefixes are ncv_
05(151207:155907:155305) 05(14 [CB]Killerboy 05) it's detected i guess
05(151307:150007:150205) 05(14 [CB]Killerboy 05) when connecting to a server
05(151307:150007:151205) 05(14 [CB]Killerboy 05) dunno, i only tried it on non-pb servers
05(151307:150007:152605) 05(14 [CB]Killerboy 05) its quite nice
05(151307:150007:153005) 05(14 [CB]Killerboy 05) humanized :p
05(151307:150007:155305) 05(14 [CB]Killerboy 05) but the rage aimbot is quite fucked up for me
05(151307:150007:155605) 05(14 [CB]Killerboy 05) cos of my ping
05(151307:150107:150105) 05(14 [CB]Killerboy 05) if you're playing vs another aimbot
05(151307:150107:150605) 05(14 [CB]Killerboy 05) the guy with the less ping will win
05(151307:150107:150705) 05(14 [CB]Killerboy 05) :D

Killerboy don't know shit about hacks and how it works, how come he can call himself a 'cheatbuster'?:D

0005(151807:154507:154105) 05(14 yuppie 05) 4.20
0005(151807:154507:154205) 05(14 yuppie 05) is detected
05(151807:154507:154905) 05(14 [CB]Killerboy 05) :o
05(151807:154507:155305) 05(14 [CB]Killerboy 05) good job i deleted it
05(151807:154607:154405) 05(14 [CB]Killerboy 05) you can only get kicked if you run it or put the files in your et folder right?

how nice killerboy is when he needs friend from 'nC' :DD:
0405(151407:154507:153405) 05(14 [CB]Killerboy 05) yuppie
05(151407:154507:153705) 05(14 [CB]Killerboy 05) you want your bust avi?
05(151407:154507:153805) 05(14 [CB]Killerboy 05) :D
0005(151407:154607:152705) 05(14 yuppie 05) is there any action enough to ban me ? :p
05(151407:154607:153505) 05(14 [CB]Killerboy 05) nah
05(151407:154607:153805) 05(14 [CB]Killerboy 05) just humanized \
05(151407:154607:153905) 05(14 [CB]Killerboy 05) :D


they can cheat without any problems, the only reason is becouse oppo is probably cheating too (way of thinking: m1ster kid, numeric tard and our friend kiiller)
05(152307:152607:153605) 05(14 [CB]Killerboy 05) so stop whining about us cheating
05(152307:152607:153905) 05(14 [CB]Killerboy 05) if your teammate is botting

If you are a real nC customer... and you got busted, don't worry, you can always disappear from this list faster than you can think! Just write to killerboy, give him your nC account like Bluman or other tards and keep playing on high level, lol.

http://www.crossfire.nu/?x=news&mode=item&id=4560 This news is a trash, and you killertard are aware of that. you arent even busting cheaters, who are not dumb and using proxy or other vpns, so how come you can say 'nC exposed'? change it to 'kids like me from nC exposed'

Now few words about dynamic ip's and ip matching. duude...
ill show you an example. everytime person called i.e gnajda turn on his nice, new PC, birthday gift, he got connected to internet with fucking same 4 first numbers, and the others are lotto from one part of nr (19-81). Few days later, i.e yuppie got same ip, exactly the same, becouse he got same beginning (like many ppl from poland does) and rest is just lotto from (19-81) afaik. So person like maltesetardon can't turn on his computer, copy random ip from nC auths db and ctrl+f it on cb and match, becouse it will be like 90% fail. all what killerboy can is reading and exploring nC from unkown customer accounts and wanking all the time, becouse he got feelings like "ye, i just hacked them, nerds got rolled (by nerd)".

Below are the nC customers, the information can be found in both the authdump.sql and forumdump.sql, as usual there are only wannabees which is a good sign, and also yuppie (nC moderator) has confirmed the above and had this to say:

since now i dont give a shit about et at all so i'm gonna tell you,you dont have pro's from nc at all only fucking wnbs like me and i'm at least honest.

There already is a huge wave of flame and even the customers themselves are getting pissed off. Have these lists done more good than bad? Yes, everyone knows that netCoders are a joke

Nice, he quoted me from private talk @ qnet. Now i regret that i didnt write i'm pansemuckl, i bet he would like to hear that :DD
and killerboy, i wish i could be yuppie "(nC moderator)" so if you got any proofs except gnajdas words - please contact me as fast as possible ! :D
And finally - yes, every1 knows that netCoders are a joke - a joke, which sells UNDETECTED cheats to almost every popular first person shooter. Please remind me, when etBot or rsHook was detected last time?:( you still dunno shit about real customers.

greetings 2 killerboy
yuppie, the real and clean as a baby high skillor
love, not hate
 n1 nerd


best troll 2009, even better than dunZ
I don't care what he tests or does, as long as he keeps busting 100 other players in exchange, then I'm happy
so may you read whole topic, not first part only?
i beat him & his cheater friend in a 2on2 and he is accusing me of cheating :D and he is just trolling now, there were 16 IP Matches on the last netCoders list with him, all matching on the same day :P He even was showing me private messages from nC with his moderator status :D
hehe ok :) just don't fail accuse people like you did with me in the past, cause that ain't funny. as long as your proofs are 100% solid, then I support you
16 ip matches, why, tell me why, i havent seen any of them?:(((( dude if i were a cheater, i would use proxys all the time, srsly you think i'm newbie from nC? moderator status means sth :/
give me 5$ on [email protected] and we can work something out, i need the money cos i'm getting sued by dolBy's uncle anway
doesnt an etbot have the feature to see another etbot customer if you play against one?
wasnt there something like that?
yes but you can turn it off
would have been nice to send you out speccing every offi and tracking the guys down with evidence
journal will be deleted in : 10 seconds

get lost nc mod

btw, u really are a stupid tard if u think he never tried out a hack
how could he has done his job then

get brain and like i said get lost
u forgot to write cool story bro :D
Quotegive him your nC account like Bluman or other tards and keep playing on high level, lol.
whos bluman?
give him your nC account like Bluman or other tards and keep playing on high level, lol.


high level
this is really interesting, EXCEPT THAT IS NOT.
dude it has nothing to do with you, you are a nobody, so please get your nerdy fat ass out from here
hahahahahaha retard XD
man, I understand emotions overwhelm you and you are cumming all over when I post a comment in your journal, but calm down.
This comment totally makes this journal worth reading.
get life
every hacker is a cheatbuster??

Ok guys, if killerboy catches u with a hack: JUST SAY UR A FUCKIN CHEATBUSTER that needs to test this shit :D
cheating on non-pb server is allowed i think
atleast he is doing good job and he busted me via game-violations :D
image: Male_stripper_humping

yuppie on the left, killerboy on the right
daggering ;DD
send me bot

Stopped reading after "killerboy"
right,now fuck off.thnx
hahahh stupid noob posting a stupid journal! How awesome
i do know killerboy and mister used a bot vs us in 2v2 unless they were gettin faked
2long2read, so ill just go and listen this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y1JDaX4mwVI
nice choise :P
QuoteFew days later, i.e yuppie got same ip, exactly the same, becouse he got same beginning (like many ppl from poland does) and rest is just lotto from (19-81) afaik. So person like maltesetardon can't turn on his computer, copy random ip from nC auths db and ctrl+f it on cb and match, becouse it will be like 90% fail.

do you even realise that those ipmatches from nc and cb/cf/whatever are only taken as valid if they happened within a certain amount of time, like a few hours? so if you got the same ip "few days later" like you said, noone gives a fuck and nothing would have happened.

Quotegive him your nC account like Bluman or other tards and keep playing on high level, lol.

wat? did i miss something?

Quoteyuppie, the real and clean as a baby high skillor

(17:04:44) (@risee) that yuppie guy in here seems to be some nc omderate even xD
(17:04:51) (@risee) moderator*
(17:18:26) (@grave`Yoshiharu) risee ye- have known it for a bit :D
i hope you don't mind me posting this, lukey :*

just gtfo already :d
No one cares about you, no gtfo.
Polacks are so dumb when they try to lie. That's why they get busted so easily.
Come to CC7, I want to smack your face off.
they have cool storys! :D
Checking the young chicks looking for hit and run prospects
He was fascinated by material objects
But he understood money never bought respect
He build a reputation cause he could hustle and steal
But got locked once and didn't hesitate to squeal
So criminals he chilled with didn't think he was real
You see, me and niggas like this have never been equal
I dont project my insecurities at other people
He fiended for props like addicts with pipes and needles
So he felt he had to proof to everyone he was evil
A feeble-minded young man with infinite potential
The product of a ghetto-bred capitalistic mental
Coincidentally dropped out of school to sell weed
Dancing with the devil, smoked until his eyes would bleed
But he was sick of selling trees and gave in to his greed
need random pic.
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