HoN Beta Keys Giveaway


Right now there are about 49k keys left. In 1h 25k got taken so if you want to get yours I'd suggest hurrying up :)

Even if you don't nessesarly want to play it getting a key for a friend to make the community bigger would be a nice thing to do.

#artline - for some cool people to mix in HoN with :)
i see what you did there!
Anyone here that has played league of legends?
forget about this :x
league of legends didn't start invites yet afaik
Yes... It hasn't. But I got invited to beta :P.
I played one game yesterday. It has a lot of original features compared to HoN. I'll play today some more and make myself an opinion, but I guess I'll like it more than HoN. The graphics is simpler and not so loaded with crap. The problem with it is that it doesn't seem to be as polished as HoN.
well HoN is about to close the beta in a month or two, whilst league of legends just starts no?:P
(If there is a possiblity for invites, mind sparing one for me?:P)
thx got one ;)
I got one, installed the game, connected to noobs only server, my team flamed me about not getting even one kill and now I think this game sucks.
Krein I got a key. Your totally playing this with me!.
Great Success
gonna take a look
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